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*:+:B'z Familyy*:+:*

tHis hP wAS oRIgInally For tHe 4 Of uS--bz...
buT unFortuneTly,
tHe oda 3 Of thEm r Not VeRy kEEnnnnnn on this...
so,i M nOW tRying To do aS muCh as I can....
tO kEEp tHis hP uPdaTed...
sEE,IZZI hAs hER oWn Oda Hp,
mAYb i Can Put HeR lInkkkk up,
sO yOu Can Visiiiit hEr hP~

i Hvn't BeeN uPdatIng This FoR aGesssss*
bUt i WIll Be More Hadr Working FRom Now oN~
i Will TRy 2 UpdATe This aT lEAst Every ODa Dayz~
i M aLSo FairlY lAZy At MY FoTOalBUm aS wELL,
Sum Of My Summer HoliDay Fotoz Are
Still Not ScaNed On Yet.....
i WiLL tRy To bE bEtter At Doing ThingsssS

aBt Us*

oUR gBZ*

B@B@'s GB
BeBe's GB
BaBe's GB
BiBi's GB