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So there you are!

I think that I've found you, but no!  AH!  Well.  I just don't think I will ever find you.  Wait.  Yep.  Nope. 

Oh where oh where has my donkey gone?  I look for you all over the place, donkey!  Sometimes I think that you are you but then you aren't you so I laugh but then I cry because it's not you and I miss you donkey. 

The Lord of The Rings was a fantastic movie!  The book was better though.  BUT OF COURSE IT WAS BETTER! 

The song Break on Through by the Doors seems to make me...cheery!  Maybe I should break on through.  I want to get rid of the Game Reviews page, but I couldn't be bothered, whatever.

Nobody has anything smart to say today!

I liek turkay

Why oh why do I get tired after eating turkey.  Then hungry again.  Stupid turkey.

Craig you couldn't even take care of yourself

When I come over in 15-20 minutes, I'm going to school you.  Bitch.

Merry Freakin X-mas

Ya you heard me.  Have a damned good Christmas, beotch.  And don't drink and drive, stupid.  It seems that around this Christmas time, people think that Red means go faster.  IT DOESN'T!!! Don't run red lights or you will KILL somebody.  I almost got smoked from some asshole who ran a red light.  Needless to say he knew how I felt about him. 

Christmas also brings out the worst in people.  Pushing and shoving to get gifts.  It seems people have forgotten what Christmas is really about.  Coca-Cola.  Yes that is right.  Coke owns Christmas...well Santa anyway.  He used to be green...then coke got 'im.  The bastards.  But I like Coke.  It tastes like burning.

Thank you Rex.

 you are a screwd up young man.I think that you should seek some kind of course in anger managment. Rex

That was a nice thing to say Rex.  Are you a dog?  That is a nice name for a dog.  And I am not as young as you might think.  I think you are screwed up because I saw you eating shit.  REX EATS POO!  Anyways, I am mearly kidding and don't know you so I won't judge you.  (shit eater).  I think I found a picture of you somewhere, Rex.  (picture came from

No wait, those little guys are too cute to be so defamatory.  Rex would you write in my guestbook again.  I don't need anger management because I am not an angry person.  If anything you are an angry person.  I forgive you.  HAHAHA!

Do you eat babies, Rex?

Dear Jesus...

Marc..... I have the money..... just please...... leave me and my family alone. You gotta stop beating me up like that, punching me, and kicking me in the crotch while I'm drunk. It's bad publicity man. Bye. Jesus

So, have my money.  Well it's about freakin time.  The only reason I haven't killed you yet is because you're Jesus.  The crotch kicking will continue however because of your extreme lateness of payments.  And as for your bad publicity smell funny.  Have a shower!


get it here.

I'm Back!

Well I didn't go anywhere so I can't be back, it's just that I haven't had alot of time to do much of anything really.  Anyway I added some pictures I made to the picture page.  No, not more of beautiful me...just some stuff I made...until I install 3dStudioMax...then you'll see some sweet shit.