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The Layout was made by AJ's layout garage, The pics were all done by Me if you feel like you want to use it then ask me and I will think about letting you use it. This role-play however belongs to Me. So please dont steal this roleplay! However please enjoy the roleplay!

Insert Roleplay Here.

So far everyone that has met Alex Stevens has lost will this weeks Smackdown be any different. Not if Alex Stevens has anything to say about it.

-/|End Forward|\-

-|[Roleplay Title]|-
-|[The Featured Attraction backstage]|-

Smackdown kicks off live from the Fleet Center in Boston Massachusetts. The camera man pans around the entire arena showing the thousands and thousands of fans

WWE Cameras
Thousands of fans

The cameras then start to zoom in on the Titantron and then the scene switches to the back and Alex Stevens is standing next to Terri Rays and the two start to talk.

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
Terri I want to take a moment and thank you for coming here to the WWE and becoming my manager...I mean I know we have known each other for some time now...But I really appreciate it...I mean with you here...I feel like I have someone here that I can trust.

WWE Cameras
Alex and Terri

-|[Terri Rays]|-
Alex it is an honor to be your manager...I take one look at you Alex and all I can see is talent...I mean you are the most talented wrestler I have ever had the privledge of managing...and Once upper management realizes that you are the greatest wrestler in the world...They will give you your shot...and you will become the WWE Champion.

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
Terri I know it and you know it...I just can't wait for the rest of the world to realize it...But tonight is a huge step Terri...I mean tonight I am in the Main Event...Finally The Featured Attraction is in the Main Event...I just wish I didnt have to tag up with "The Million Dollar Dream" Tony Tran...Something about him Terri...I just don't trust him.

WWE Cameras
Terri and Stevens

-|[Terri Rays]|-
Alex don't worry about Tony Tran. He is nothing but a coward...he knows not to mess with you...I mean the man has been dodging you since you joined the WWE...Don't you find it funny that the night you debuted Tony Tran supposedly got "INJURED"...If you ask me it was nothing but an easy out...The way I see it Alex is the day you joined the WWE Tony Tran knew that you would eventually beat him and take his United States Heavyweight Champion.

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
Terri let me stop you right there...I did not come here to the WWE to take Tran's United States Championship...I came to the WWE for one reason...and that reason is to become the WWE Champion...and I refuse to settle for anything but that title...So I really don't care what Tran's motives are...but I just don't trust him...But not that it really matters...I don't need him...I can win this match myself...I mean we are taking on Bitch Boy and Scotty...I mean do I really need to worry.

WWE Cameras
Terri and Stevens

-|[Terri Rays]|-
Alex don't worry about your match tonight...I am sure you will be just fine...and don't worry about Tran...I will keep my eye on him...if he does one thing that I think is out of line...I will take care of him...all you need to concentrate on is B-Boy and Scotty...But why don't you go and take a shower and I will go get you something to eat.

Terri moves closer to Alex and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

WWE Cameras
Terri kisses Alex

Stevens walks away from Terri and the show cuts to a commercial. Coming back from Commercial the cameras zoom in on Taz and Cole sitting at the announce table.

Welcome back to Smackdown...tonight we have some great matches...And I personally can not wait to see what is going to go down tonight...Cole What match are you looking forward to .

WWE Cameras
Announce Table

Well Taz..I would have to say that the main event is going to be interesting...I mean you have four different personalities in the same ring...I mean we know that B-Boy and Scotty are good buddies and are on the same page...But can Tony Tran and Alex Stevens get along tonight.

I don't know...from what I understand Stevens doesnt like Tran and feels as if he can not trust him.

WWE Cameras
Announce Table

Well time will only tell Taz but earlier today...Alex Stevens showed up early to the arena and wanted to take a few minutes of our time. So lets take a look what Alex Stevens has today.

The scene switches to Alex Stevens sitting in a room by himself and is just sitting there and he looks at the cameras and starts to talk.

WWE Cameras
Stevens Speaks

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
In the past few months herre in the WWE...I have seen many things...and in my short time here in the WWE...I have seen people come and go...And then the other day I realized onething...In my time here I have won every match I have been in...Then I took a few moments and took a look at some photos of those matches...and I realized one thing...out of those four people that I have faced...Three of them wrestled there last match here in the WWE against me...Think about it...The night I debuted...I faced Hardcore...where is he now...Who knows...Who cares...As far as I am concerned after I defeated him he was to embarrassed to show his face around here again...And from the looks of things...the same can be said about D.V.V and Mordecai...I mean both are no longer part of the WWE roster and both of them lost there last match to me Alex Stevens.

Stevens pauses a second and sits up a little bit and then starts to talk again.

WWE Cameras
Stevens Speaks

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
Now the only person that I have wrestled here...that still remains apart of the WWE Roster is B-Boy...Now B-Boy since we last have had some success...Becoming the T.V. Champion...Well Congrats...But after have nothing to look forward to...because after I beat you AGAIN...What do you really have to look forward to...Knowing that you will always be second best...Because you know deep down inside you will never beat Alex Stevens...But B-Boy don't feel bad...because you are just like everyone else here in the WWE...because noone here in the WWE can say they are better then Alex Stevens...because I am The Featured Attraction...I am the reason that the people pile into the arena...I am the reason that people come see this show. And tonight I will prove it once again.

Stevens pauses again and takes a sip of some water and then starts to talk again.

WWE Cameras
Stevens Speaks

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
But B-Boy...I am finished talking about you...and I only have just one more thing to say...Tonight...B-Boy...Scotty...and even Tony Tran...all three of you men better watch your backs...because tonight I am here to prove something...tonight I am going to show the upper management that I deserve a shot and that noone will get in my way.

The scene then fades to black.