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BAROU - The Year Of The Baboon

The People Who Took Their Time In Life To Make This Site

DISCLAIMER> This site and all its contents based on the Barou are not to be taken out of its context. This site was created by White Wolf gamers such as yourself online and TableTop. The Barou is these players form of humor based on their playful minds.

So if you can't deal with the Babboon and its shit flinging capabilities? Go cry to someone who cares. This is all for fun you humorless bastards!

Brought to you by the crew of BAROU and the Twink God Strong Like Thunder himself.


Half Human. Half Baboon. Predators that stalk the deepest jungles and the darkest urban alleyways. Monkeys that creep up on their prey like ghosts, then explode into a fury of poo flinging feats. Beasts that howl under the trees of the jungles and pick fleas off their own backs and those who cross the boundaries of their land.


In some ways, werebaboons embody the oldest human fear - the fear of the monkey at the window, the awful thought that for all our tools and fire, we are still prey to flying poo and flea pickings. We struggle to control every detail of our lives to our exacting specifications, and that makes us all the more afraid, deep down, of being hit by flung shit and hair tugged at by something larger and stronger than us. Something with sagging boobs and a taste for banannas.

But theres more to it than that. Men have always feared, even hated baboons, particulary those that are bigger than them on some level ( if you know what I mean ). But we have always envied their power at the same time.The ability to fling poo so far with little effort. Or to clean yourself with just fingers. And we tell stories of humans who can take monkey form or vice versa. Or the darwins theory for those scientific freaks. Who said we evolved from monkeys? Can't we just fall off the cabbage patch just like this?

Deep down inside, were afraid of baboons, yet we want desperately to wear the monkey skins to be like them.

This is your chance to be THE BAROU!

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