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Yes, another badly done Duo Maxwell website. Eventually, if I get money or something, I'm going to move into my own domain. And maybe, I'll do something original! *thumbs up* Enjoy yourself, ladies and gents!
- Emiko

Information, Stats and Interesting Tidbits
That'll just be information I've collected on the lad. If some of my information is wrong, please email me. I used to have a Trigun website, and people would give me the corrections in my guestbook. It was really annoying. Also, there's a lot of unspecifics in this and I haven't coverted his weight into pounds... Uhm, yes. That's about all. Wait! Please DO NOT cut and paste this information and say you wrote it. Take notes! I can sue!

Covers, Doujinshi and Random Images
These are all pictures I randomly found on the web. I collected some of my sources on the credits page but most I have not. They'll all be seperately filed, because I've noticed a difference between doujinshi and real art. If you scanned any of the images and you would prefer they weren't floating around the Net, email me and I'll try to rectify the situation. I didn't draw any of these, unless it's under Fanart, Emiko! Or something. Please don't take all these images and say they're yours. I worked hard on finding all these. If you just take a few for your personal use or even a site, go ahead.

Fun Stuff, Games and Humor
This will be mainly quizzes, interviews with the characters, Things Gundam Pilots Would Never Say, among other things that need to be explained further. Maybe sometime, when I learn more HTML, I can put in actual interactive stuffs. Like you care! ^_^() If you have any contributions or something, send it to me! I will give you full credit, no doubt!

Credits and a short Disclaimer
This is mainly so I'm not sued. Well, the disclaimer is, anyway. The credits is for general courtesy. You know when you come to a site and they seem to have a lot of your images or similar info? This is so you'll know the people who I got all my images and info FROM. I hope this becomes a trend. *glares*

Links, Link to Me, and Submit a Link
Yay! Please visit these, because they are all people with really nice websites. Also, I'd really appreciate it if you could link to me and uhm, possibly tell me first. ^^; I like to know where my visitors (if any) are coming from! Domo arigatou. Oo! And the rules for submitting a link are on the page. But I can't stress this enough - YOUR WEBSITE MUST BE FINISHED. I don't care if you submit yaoi or something, just as long as it's tasteful!

Email me