WARNING! This page contains information and ideas which may be disturbing or offensive to people with a strong belief in a deity. It is my intention to enlighten rather than offend, and if you find it hard to cope with questioning your beliefs you may not wish to read further. Cognitive dissonance due to reality conflicting with belief may cause your brain to ache.

Definition of Atheism

Atheism is the Weltanschauung (comprehensive conception of the world) of persons who are free from theism-i.e., free from religion. It is predicated on ancient Greek Materialism.

Atheism involves the mental attitude which unreservedly accepts the supremacy of reason and aims at establishing a life-style and ethical outlook verifiable by experience and the scientific method, independent of all arbitrary assumptions of authority and creeds.

Materialism declares that the cosmos is devoid of immanent conscious purpos; that it is governed by its own inherent, immutable, and impersonal laws; that there is no supernatural interference in human life; that humankind - finding their resources within themselves - can and must create their own destiny. Materialism restores dignity and intellectual integrity to humanity. It teaches that we must prize out life on earth and strive always to improve it. It holds that humans are capable of creating a social system based on reason and justice.

Materialism's "faith" is in humankind and their ability to transform the world culture by their own efforts. This is a commitment which is in its very essence life-asserting. It considers the struggle for progress as a moral obligation that is impossible without noble ideas that inspire us to bold, creative works. Materialism holds that our potential for good and more fulfilling cultural development is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.

Articles on Atheism


Do atheists have morals? Of course! Yes we have morals! We value our friends, our families, and our lives as much as anyone else. We want to succeed in life, see our children grow up safely, and we would like to see some kind of peace finally come to the world. We donate to charities, we do volunteer work, and we help keep our communities safe and clean for everyone. We are in every facet of human life, in every job field, and in every neighborhood. Our values are based on what is good and beneficial to not only us, but also to those around us. What is beneficial to the human race as a whole is certainly to our advantage. Most Atheists are law-abiding citizens who basically want to live their lives free of imposed religious dogma. There is no evil Atheist conspiracy to take over the world. Unfortunately, religious rhetoric and their continuous believe in superstitious and stereotypical personas of those who are different than they (even those who are of the same religion, but of a slight variation) has painted this paranoid scenario where Atheists are plotting right now to deny anyone the right to their religious beliefs. This is utterly ridiculous.

Ethics without Gods
Ethics without God, God without Ethics
Meaning of life for Atheists
The Philosophy of Atheism


Human Evolution: A Look at our Ancestors
Human Evolution
You too might be an evolutionist
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Evolution
Origin of the Universe by Stephen Hawkings
Creationism Problems


The Mind of the Bible- Believer
Viruses of the Mind

Social Harms

The Dark Bible hosted by freethinkers
Not all in the Bible sets a good example for Kids
The Case Against Prayer in School
Whats Wrong with the 10 Commandments
Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques being used on the public today


Arguement against Religion
Arguement against a heaven or hell
Why God simply can't exist
Why the Christian God is Impossible
Arguements for Theism

This page is dedicated to the preservation and spread of atheism. This page will not use vague answers that rely solely on faith, but will instead support its position with logic at all times.
