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The Ramblings of an Idiot

The Ramblings of an Idiot

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." --Thomas Jefferson

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6-5-03, 1:15 P.M....ok, the story i promised a couple weeks ago, you know? ok, well i'm about to type the first couple o' chapters o' that sumthin' sumthin' up. so look for it in a minute or two. so get ready. or not. it'll be bad, i can already tell you. i got a bad feeling about this. i keep typing about "a bout". why? you don't know? then you'd best go now. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. why so many? you don't know? then you'd best..........
5-22-03, 6:28 P.M....oh man......it's really been a while, huh kid? yes, kid. as in one. because there's only one person that really visits this site. i think he lives in Botswana. or Berlin. i forget which. maybe it's Djibouti. eh, nonetheless, i been letting this kid down, yo. it's been almost six months since i've done ANYTHING to this site. but, skool's over. and earlier, when i said i was learning java, and to look for it as soon as i knew how to apply it? i'm a dirty rotten liar. java sucks. comp sci sucks. anyone looking to get a computer credit ot of the way by doing comp sci should re-evaluate their sitchee-ashun. jesu, it has been a while, no? well, i started writing a little story last summer, and i left it alone when skool started, then picked it up again over christmas break, but then put it back down again. because i got stuck. it's not that great of a story. i was feeling inspired by Barret from FFVII (you'll see), and feeling a little Adams-ish, and so began work on this story. but it is currently suffering the same fate as all my other stories. i don't plan them out, and so i just make it up as i go. this is bad, as i get stuck in a story rut, and usually never recover, and so these stories go unfinished in unfinished-story limbo. whatever. look for the story maybe tomorrow. bad grammar, spelling, and wandering "storyline" intact. eh, tomorrow, tomorrow, i refuse to go into Annie. later.
P.S. thought i'd try a lighter color, because everytime i come here, it seems to just get darker. any comments?

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