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Camille's Nature Site.

I have spent many years learning about nature. How do my actions affect my surroundings? How do they affect me? What can I do to ensure that this Earth remains sustainable for future generations? I have read many books, listened to many experts, and my knowledge has only begun to scratch the surface of all that there is to understand. One reason for this, is that there is so much to know because everything that I do is directly connected with the Earth. But as my idol, David Suzuki, once said "I was born from the Earth and when I die, I will become part of it."

My goal, is to share with you what I have learned about the planet and put it in terms that are easy to understand. I also want to provide you with tools so that you can take small steps to better your quality of life not only for today but for tomorrow. Below are some links...

If you want to learn about your favorite endangered specie then click here!

Other Websites Devoted to Wildlife Conservation

Adopt a Chimp!---The Fauna Foundation
Help save the rain forest from disappearing for free!
The World Wildlife Fund
Help save the the world's big cats for free!
Save the environment with the click of a mouse!
See what the UN is doing to protect our ecosystems.