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The AEWF Rulebook

Table of Contents:
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction II
1.2 Mission Statement
2 AEWF Info
2.1 Handlers
2.2 Creating a wrestler
2.3 Contracts
2.4 Jobber matches
2.5 Our Cards
2.6 Our PPV's
3 Match Strategies
3.1 Flashes
3.2 Sneak Attacks
3.3 Injuries, Suspensions and periods of Inactivity
4 Rankings and Titles
4.1 How the titles are defended
4.2 Vacancy of a Title
4.3 Rankings
5 Contacts


The AEWF is an e-wrestling federation. Established by Reginald Humphries (Roland Ulvselius). Roland has been e-wrestling since 1996 and ran the successful European E-Wrestling Federation from April 97 to January 98 when he had to shut it down because of a lack of V.Ps.
Roland re-opened the EEF under the AEWF name, but he soon had to leave, leaving Frank Seguin in charge. Though Frank did a great job, a lack of support forced him to quit and give Waz Maha (me) the reins. I only lasted a month before the toll of running the fed single-handedly took its toll on me. I have decided to re-open the AEWF in a different format in order for it to be manageable for everyone involved.
The AEWF is based on the same system that made the EEF a success. Created to provide a safe haven for good roleplayers all over the world whose primary interest isn't winning but to create good storylines, angles and find other people to roleplay against and have FUN with.
The setting for the game is Europe, mainly because I believe there is a lot of fun to be had with a different setting, not to mention the adding of a different dimension to the game. Wrestlers are also required to live in Europe. We also want to create a good roleplaying atmosphere, that's the other reason we wanted to create a regional federation. We won't have any World Titles (we're a European Federation). We have also created a fictional history of the federation that the players can use in the game. To find out more about the history read the the AEWF history page on the AEWF homepage.

1.1 Introduction II

You can read our History section for an in-depth look at the storied history of the AEWF. The AEWF has awaken from its slumber by The Abu Dhabi Sports Investment Group (ADSIG - Owned by the Abu Dhabi Royal Family, who are worth an estimated $150billion).

What it has done is unify the fragmented European pro-wrestling organisations into the one giant AEWF umbrella. Thus most of the AEWF Board of Directors is made up of the major European pro-wrestling organisations, whose members are:

i) Wasim El-Mahassni - Chairman of the Board (ADSIG Representative)
ii) Edward Beaumont - Vice-Chair (UK & Ireland)
iii) Herman Schultz - Treasurer (Germany)
iv) Dmitry Tabachnikov - Secretary (Russia)
v) Patrice Michel - Committee Chair (France)

Be aware that these board members will look to do what’s best for the AEWF but they will also always try to do what’s best for their own individual organisation, even if it to the detriment of a fellow Board member’s organisation.


Ok this isn't the longest mission statement nor the best written one. What I really want to emphasise is that I will always try to remain as impartial and fair as possible. There is nothing to be gained by me not being so as handlers will soon leave if I start playing favourites. Handlers who work the hardest will be the ones rewarded. Case closed.
I firmly believe that the handlers make the federation. I am NOT your boss, the fed head and the fed itself merely serve as a forum for handlers to enjoy themselves, and lastly THAT is the main point, I will strive to make this game as fun to everyone as possible.


- The AEWF is a BOOKED league, meaning that I alone decide who wins the matches by way of who deserves it most. I will always endeavour to be fair and as impartial as possible when choosing the winners. If it's an AEWF Superstar/Tag Team Vs. AEWF Superstar/Tag Team match. The votes are based on three (2) things.

* Participation. Being involved by either getting in an angle, sending out flashes or roleplays, by developing your character, backstage interactions, etc.
The main way to participate is by creating angles. Creating angles is the most important thing in the AEWF. Angles are storylines you create with other handlers' wrestlers or by yourself. If there's an angle going, perhaps we'll let you lose a match only to build up heat for your next match where you will win. Angles are what make e-wrestling fun, SO MAKE ONE UP!!

*Flashing. Probably the most obvious way to show that you're participating is by flashing. Flashes can be sent out towards The Touring Main Event show and/or PPV. There are plenty of opportunities for a handler to roleplay.

You get the picture.

I (Waz) am the only one who decides the outcome of the matches.

Simple, eh?


Handlers are allowed one single wrester or one tag team unless certain circumstances exist. This rule exists to promote interaction among the players, which is highly encouraged and rewarded.


As the AEWF is a European fed we're looking primarily for European wrestlers but some other wrestlers will be accepted to add some international flavour to the federation. Refer to the creating a wrestler page, via the school of Hard Knox, for more details on this.


The AEWF is an original wrestlers only fed. No real wrestlers will be accepted. Ok if you name your wrestler Desmond "The Hitman" Harris he will be accepted. But if he starts acting and talking like Bret Hart he wont be accepted... never has, never will be.


You decide however no wrestler younger than 18 will be allowed to wrestle (legal reasons), and if you create a wrestler older than 50 expect him to be a bit saggy and slow in his matches so take that in account when you're writing the strategies (Ric Flair should retire).

Height and weight.

The height and weight limits for wrestlers are: Height - no taller than 7'3, no shorter than 5'0. Weight- No heavier than 450 pounds, no lighter than 150 pounds. The lower limitations exist because we try to make the fed "realistic" and as it wouldn't be realistic that a 120 pound wrestler would beat a 300+ wrestler and so they won't be accepted. The higher limitations exist because I personally think it's pretty boring and unfair to the other wrestlers if a handler should create a 8'0 700 pound wrestler. 7'0 foot wrestlers who are highfliers will also not be accepted. That's that: Wrestlers like this won't be accepted. It will also depend on what kind of wrestlers there are currently on the roster. if there are already 3-4 guys who are over 7'0 then I won't be allowing anymore. I would like a little variety.


Decide if you're a good guy or a bad guy or neither. Heel Face or Neutral it's up to you! Make sure that if you create a face he acts the part and vice versa for heels and 'tweeners

Entrance Music

In the form of title and Artist or Composer. Try to be creative. I don't want themes like "Mr.Perfects" theme etc. Once again originality, originality! (If you can find a link to a midi file on the Internet, we'll play it on your bio page!!!

Ring Entrance

Write your own wrestlers' entrance, complete with Ring Announcer Intro, plus describe what he's wearing, etc.


How he looks. I want a detailed description Describe him as you would to a blind man. Cause your opponents cant see your wrestler unless we are able to describe him.


His background story. What makes him interesting? Why would you yourself like to watch him? Make sure that when you sign up there isn't already a wrestler similar to your character in the roster. I don't want 20 pretty boy wrestlers.

Backstage Personality

Just because you have a certain personality in front of the masses it does not mean that you are the same way backstage. What personality does your character offer when backstage with fellow AEWF personnel? Is he a genuine nice guy or a backstabbing weasel that will politic his way to the top by kissing some Director's backside? Is he a hard working professional who does a lot of charity work or someone who rubs workmates the wrong way? The way your character behaves backstage will factor in if he gets "pushed" or if he receives "heat" from the company. The way to interact backstage is by posting news items or rumours on our message board

Type of wrestler

What is your wrestler. A mat-wrestling expert or a top-notch brawler. We want to know.

15 common moves.

What are his favourite moves? List them so we can get to know your wrestler better and by doing so, be able to write better matches with him.


If it's an existing move just write it else we want a detailed explanation.

Foreign object

Does he use one? If he does, what and how.


Does he have a manager?

Manager description

Self explanatory.


Most feds don't have this feature but to make it as realistic as possible and to add another dimension to this game I have decided to include it. You can add options and clauses of your choosing, e.g you can add the clause that you MUST get a title match within the contract length (contract length may differ), but beware that the prez can also make his own clauses which can counter the above one with a clause that the handler must fulfil his contractual obligations satisfactorily, i.e roleplay consistently and well, show that he's participating, etc. As a side note you can never include the clause that will guarantee you a title within that contract length. That is not on. Your contract will also state your current status on the roster, i.e whether you are a lower midcarder/midcarder/uppermidcader/main eventer/champion and your "salary" (non-negotiable) and merchandise rights (negotiable) will reflect this. Of course, you can renegotiate your current contract if you feel your character has moved up on the roster, e.g gone from midcarder to upper-midcarder. Contracts are not signed on a time basis but on a fight basis. What this means is that your character may sign up for a 3 fight deal or a 5 fight deal or whatever (minimum is 3 fights). The only exception to this rule are Champions who are signed at least until they lose their respective titles. If you decide to suddenly stop being active with your character before your "contract" is finished it is more than likely that he will be jobbed.


This is something every "real" fed have. It's a way to let the superstars shine! So we have them too. Every once in a while, you will be required to wrestle a jobber. When you do, all you have to send me a written match (see the jobber-matches section in the "School of Hard Knox"). Don't worry the match doesn't have to be a classic or long, it is up to you. I will ask individual handlers to write one every now and then. You can use one of the AEWF jobbers that we have listed on our Jobbers page or create a jobber yourself. Just make him original, no real wrestler. Of course other wrestlers may sneak-attack you during your jobber match and you may sneak attack other wrestlers during their jobber matches. We will add that to the match if a sneak attack strategy is sent to us. All matches will be listed some days prior to the card so you will have the time to plan attacks etc....


The AEWF has one weekly card which is The Touring Main Event. It comes live from a different part of Europe. Keep in mind that depending on the location of TME the fans will respond differently to your character. For example, in Mediterranean Europe the flamboyant wrestlers will be preferred as opposed to Eastern Europe where the tough-no nonsense brawlers are the crowd favourites. TME will feature 3-4 Superstar vs Jobber match and 1-2 Superstar vs Superstar match. A character will not feature every week in a match (I know some of you have other commitments other than e-wrestling. Expect to feature in a match around once a month. However, if you wish, you can participate in other ways (via roleplaying every week, vignette, twitting something, etc).

2.6 PPV'S

The AEWF will hold 4 PPVs per year. These PPVs will be held during the months that coincide with my free time (eg. Chinese New Year, August summer holidays, May and maybe October). There are two confirmed names for PPVs thus far; these are "The Grand European" (the Wrestlemania of AEWF) and the Munich Cup (a huge elimination tournament). These PPVs pit the best superstars against each other. Exactly where will be listed on our homepage so you'll know where your wrestler will be. They will feature between 5-6 superstar vs superstar matches.


Sending in a match strategy will give me an indication of how you would like the match to go. It may describe when you would like to do your signature move, which body part to target, etc.

A strat can be something like this.

Adrian Norton will not try to match power with "the Elk" Erik Hanson He will use his speed to out manoeuvre the bigger man. He will hit as many high flying moves as possible. Dropkicks, Flying Elbows, Spin Wheel Kicks, etc. He will also go for pinfalls whenever the big man is off his feet (hopefully stunning "the Elk" Erik Hanson with a Dropkick off the Top or something similar). If he gets in trouble, he will roll out of the ring, hoping for a breather. If "the Elk" Erik Hanson comes out after him, he will get back into the ring ASAP.

They can be more detailed or less detailed. When you write them try to imagine how your wrestler would wrestle the match if he wanted to win. When is he going for his finisher? How will he counter his opponents strengths etc?

All strats for the TME must be sent to the Prez by Wednesday Midnight, London Time on the week of the PPV so that I have the time to evaluate them and include them into the card writing. Strats are optional.

If you are new to strat writing I recommend you go to the school page. There you will find an excellent essay on strat writing. We also have handlers that help people out on this. Contact the Prez and I'll put you through to them


This is one of the most important things if you want to be successful in the AEWF. Being descriptive, being true to your character, developing storylines, and writing flashes will get you far. As in real life swearing will be edited out of the flash as will "smart" comments. With smart comments we mean using words like jobbers etc. that real wrestlers don't use. I hold the right to not air flashes as I see fit.

Handlers are required to roleplay for the Touring Main Event. Flashes can be promos, prematch interviews, etc. There are also other opportunities to develop your character/angle. You can participate using a Twitter account for your character, you can email me internet rumours/stories about your character, official news stories for your character which will be published on the official AEWF site, etc.

Example of an internet rumour may be something along the lines of your character developing heat with the boys backstage for being a jerk, or an injury rumour, etc. An example of an internet story may be your character being reported on an internet wrestling news site that he went an a radio show and made the following example of a story on the official AEWF site could be your character making an appearance for a Children’s charity.

The handlers send in the flashes to me with the subject heading [AEWF TME] YOUR WRESTLER'S NAME, or [AEWF INTERNET RUMOUR/STORY/WEBSITE STORY] YOUR WRESTLER’S NAME.

*Important* No scenes of child abuse, sexual abuse, sexual assault, rape, or racism will be accepted. This is not a warning rule.. one time and you are OUT.... We don't promote anything illegal.

What we look for in the flashes are.

1. How descriptive you are. (Where the interview takes place, what you are wearing how you look etc.)
2. What you say. (If it makes any sense or if it's just babbling.)
3. The roleplaying. (Do you play the character you created?)
4. Storylines.


We also want strats for sneak attacks.
If you just write that you want to run into a match and attack someone then the attack will most likely fail, but if you write a detailed plan on how you're going to do it, why you want to do it and add a little rant from your wrestler/team you will have a much better chance of being successful.

Like the match strategies all sneak attacks plans must be sent to the Prez by Wednesday Midnight London Time.


In this game we pretend that wrestling is a real sport. So you if you're unlucky you may be injured. Don't worry, we won't have any fatal injuries or tear limbs off your wrestler. But you may break an arm or sprain an ankle. Some injuries may be so serious that you must be out of action for a while, some may be minor injuries that will allow you to continue to wrestle while you recover. But if you step into the ring during that time the injury may affect your wrestling skills and other wrestler may take advantage of it. Injuries will mostly take place to build heat or if a handler needs a break from e-wrestling.(Like if the handler is going for a two week vacation.)

- Suspensions. Ok this sounds like a big one but it will mostly be used to develop angles or to develop "backstage heat". If I'm going to suspend a wrestler I will first talk with his handler and explain why the wrestler is going to be suspended and what angle I have planned to see if it's ok with him. If not he won't be suspended. During suspension the wrestlers are allowed to flash but not to wrestle. Of course he won't receive payment during his suspension. The only things that can get a handler suspended for real is if he is mean or rude to another handler or if he uses our mailing list to advertise without my permission.

- Periods of inactivity. I know that everybody can't spend their entire life on the net. So if you're going on a holiday just drop me a note and I'll take your wrestler out of action during your absence. But if you don't drop me a not you risk losing matches while you're away.


The AEWF has 2 Titles as of now.

The AEWF European Heavyweight Title

This title is the most coveted and highest ranked title in our fed. To become the European Heavyweight Champion is the greatest achievement you can make in the AEWF. The title must be defended against a Top 5 Ranked Superstar at least once every three months and at a PPV as it applies.

The AEWF Tag Team Title

The title all the tag-teams are competing for. These must also be defended at the same rate as the AEWF European Heavyweight Title above.


Champions can of course give wrestlers not ranked high enough a shot at the title(s) but that wont count as one of the mandatory title defences. You are also allowed to compete in non-title matches but should you lose such a match the wrestler who beats you will be named the number one contender for your title and you must face him or the team in your next title defence. If a wrestler is 1/2 of the AEWF Tag Team Champions, they may ALSO hold a singles title at the same time. (He would be busy though.) If a champion(s) fails to defend their titles during the time limit of the mandatory defence, an interim champion(s) will be named (how the interim champion is determined depends upon the circumstances, it may be a tournament, a top contenders' match, etc).

The AEWF Champions themselves will have MOST of the say in who they defend their title against as long as they follow the guidelines i.e in most cases they decide whom to defend against. There will undoubtedly be challenges from the other handlers' wrestlers, and you may accept or reject them. If there are no challenges, then throw one out yourself. I'm sure most wrestlers wouldn't mind getting a title shot.


If a title becomes vacant for any reason, the Board of Directors may in its discretion take whatever steps or actions it deems necessary or appropriate to fill the title, including but not limited to:

i) authorize and cause to be instituted a tournament or elimination contest among leading available contenders with the winner being recognized as the new champion;

or ii) authorize or cause to be instituted a direct bout between the two highest rated available wrestlers and recognize the winner as the champion;

or iii) recognize as champion the winner of a previous elimination bout. This list is non-exclusive.

Interim Championship

The AEWF may order an interim title bout when a champion will be temporarily inactive and unable to defend his title for a period exceeding 3 months due to:

a) certified medical reasons;
b) a legal impediment; or
c) a reasonable cause strictly beyond his control.

If the inactivity is estimated to exceed 6 months, the title shall be declared vacant.

Upon the return of the champion, the AEWF will order a mandatory bout for the undisputed AEWF title with the interim champion. Both wrestlers are bound to participate in this bout and cannot participate in an intervening contest.


Rankings are mostly decided on a subjective basis. Your win/loss record will still be shown next to your wrestler but his place in the rankings will be decided by me. Again, I will try to remain as impartial as possible when doing this.

The Tag team wrestlers are a special case in the rankings, however. Whenever a tag team wrestler competes in single action, the outcome is based in the single rankings. If a tag team wrestler fares well in single competition he can be a contender in both divisions. Basically, what he does in each division is totally independent of the other.


You may contact the other wrestlers in the AEWF to get to know them, set up teams, stables, feuds, etc. Make sure that once you set something up, that both (or all) of the parties confirm it with me so I know. There is a mailing list of the current AEWF Handlers that goes out every once in a while through the mailing list, so you know how to contact everyone. In addition to that there will be homepages for every active wrestler/tag team with e-mail links to the handler on the AEWF homepage. The AEWF staff can be contacted in two different ways. Directly if they have a e-mail address listed on the homepage or via the president. If you want to contact someone via the President just write who the message is for, then I'll see to it that it gets to the right person. If the message is in the form of a roleplay they will be treated as such.

Well I guess that's it! If you have any questions mail the Prez and he will explain it to you! Well what are you waiting for? Go on and sign an application! The AEWF wants you!

The All European Wrestling Federation
Owned by
Waz Maha.
Copyright 1997,1998, 2002, 2014 Giant Sports. 1