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Web Portfolio
EDUC 552
Instructor: Randy Depew
by April Dirks

Introduction:  This portfolio consists of a webquest and a Model Project which is an example of my classrooms weekly homework and reading log. The webquest has been adapted to a special education 1st-3rd grade Special Day Class. The children in the class learn different ways and are at many different education levels. The webquest that I chose to          make for my class was very simple and straight forward. The webquest teaches children how to make an english muffin pizza step by step. It requires them to transfer the words          in writing from the computer to paper. The children also will learn measurements and use their language skills throughout the project. The Model Project that I adapted to my        classrooms needs is weekly homework written out day to day and a reading log. The children will bring their homework and reading log back to school every Friday. On                      Friday my instructional assistant and I will help students create a weekly Power Point on their favorite story that they read at home during the week. This will enable me to check for understanding and comprehension, and at the same time the students will learn computer skills.