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Other Assholes

More Assholes in Action, just being themselves

Should I buy the bullet or the gun?
  • After Mad About You hit the shitter, Paul Reiser has gone down faster than Peter McNeeley. He annoys millions with his AT&T commercials, and during a comedy show he hosted, people in the audience just wanted to lynch him. If he isn't on drugs yet, maybe he should start.
  • Pancake Face

    Incontinent person having a seizure
  • After being seated at the local IHOP, a female customer began to cause a ruckus because "She didn't like the waitresses" After making a scene out of it by trying to show they messed with her pancakes, she was finally escorted out, and will never be allowed back in...ever.
  • Kyle Turley

    When Fat Men attack.
  • Ever seen a fat man mad? It isn't pretty. Kyle Turley flipped a shit after Damian Robinson tried to decapitate Aaron Brooks. Maybe it was just because -Oh when the saints come marching in the Jets kick their ass-
  • Roger Clemens

    Roger Clemens(Fat Boy) returning the favor
    Fat Boy in action. After Piazza was batting .600 on Clemens, Clemens beans him in Yankee Stadium with a 95 MPH Fastball to the head. Then in Game 2 of the World Series, Piazza shatters the bat and Clemens decides to return it to him.

    Ryan Cubit

    Ryan Cubit (Also an idiot)
    After getting dominated 80-7 by West Virginia, throwing 3 interceptions, and getting sacked again, Ryan Cubit said after the game "They just played better than us." No shit son!

    Random Terrorist Asshole

    Terrorists are not only assholes, they are also flammable, which isn't a bad thing.
    Terrorists are born assholes, which makes it so much sweeter when the U.S. found out they were total morons. The jackass above tried to burn the American flag in protest, but missed and caught himself. That's what happens when you are brainwashed by an asshole of the week.


    Who ate my pumpkin POI???
  • After being cut from his high school baseball team, Hardball earned his nickname by telling everyone he knew he could walk onto the Division I Baseball team at the college he goes to, Rutgers. He also doesn't share his pie, and yells at people who don't feel sorry for him about what happened in New York.
  • Click here for example!

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