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2007 07 07
AAT went to Op Dirt. Great success!

2006 08 16
Don´t mess with the SAS!

2006 08 13
Parts of AAT participated in a scenario game with visitors from out of town. We played as the SAS and had a great time.

2006 06 02
AAT was out camping in the desert and after nightfall we were ambushed by those filthy Germans in the K.G.W.!

New pictures are up in the gallery.

2006 05 03
Some fresh pictures of AATs Nitram, WEST, Nice Guy Eddie and Martin (aka Brorsan)

2006 04 24
AATs Nitram, WEST and Nice Guy Eddie was out in the woods a few weeks ago. Grilling´s the name, posing´s the game.

2006 01 01
AAT celebrated 5 years in the game this weekend! Pizza Hut will never be quite the same again...

2005 10 09
The Gallery has been updated with lots of cool pictures. Have a look!

2005 09 18
WAF had its first meeting today. A bunch of players were there and after the meeting we played some games.
The gallery is updated with some pictures from the day.

AAT now has a team patch! We are very happy with how it turned out, and now all we have to do is learn how to sow...

2005 08 27
Updated the Links page with some new stuff. Will hopefully update further soon. Some of the links there are ooooollllldddd...

2005 05 16
We had a small skirmish game on the 15th, some pictures are up at Greenfaces, under WESTs profile. As usual half of our guns broke down... =(

2005 05 10
AAT went to TACs CQB open cup at nearly full strenght. We had a great time, and belive it or not, managed to win the whole cup...

The gallery has been updated, and more pictures are up on .

A big thanks goes out to TAC for making this game and many other cool scenarios happen!

2005 05 01
Some of the guys went out to the woods, with special guest star Mordred. It looked like this, and this... Fun stuff...

2005 04 16
AAT was out in the nice spring weather and played a little. The gallery has been updated.

2005 04 13
A short "preview" of the new G&G M14 is available here.

2004 12 21
All AAT members came out to play on the 19th. This is not a very common sight =) Thanks to SJK and Wiseguys, for a great day.

2004 05 14
We will host a new scenario game on the 5th of June. This time it will be a Vietnam game, with the classic VC and US MC antagonists.

This is something we have been contemplating for many years, because our summer field is a real jungle and it always brings Vietnam films to mind.

More info can be found here.

2004 01 18
Hi there folks! We are sorry for the lack of updates, we have only ourselfes to blame, we are just plain lazy! =)
It's a little late for this but Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! We hope that 2004 will be a good one!
We have played normal games two times this new year and it's been really fun! Pictures, and a movie (!!) will be up shortly, we hope...
While Iam at it, I would also like to take the oppurtunity to recommend a, for me, new retailer of gear! "Militärlagret" has impressed me in terms of service and hospitality! I recomend them to everybody, I have posted a link to them in the "Links" section.
That's all for now!

2003 11 07
We played the Mil-Sim scenario last Sunday, and were visited by some new and some old players.

I hope everyone had a good time. We will certainly have more of these types of games, and hopefully the next one will be this winter.

Nitram posted pictures on from the game.

We also welcome Skids to the proud ranks of AAT! Skids has been playing for a while now, and is a very positive minded character. Cheers!

2003 10 22
There will be a larger Milsim style game held on AATs winter field, on the 2nd November. We hope that many players will show up, and that we all will have a great time!
Basic information can be found here, but more will be up soon.

2003 10 10
Added a link to Westerås Air Soft Association, W.A.S.A, check them out! We will play as normal on sunday.

2003 08 25
Yesterday we played our normal sunday game, 6 people showed up! Including one certain CNN reporter who documented the battles!
New pics can be found here

2003 08 08
AAT greets a new member! MilGov has been playing with us for some time and he finally took the big step and joined AAT.
*Members page updated*

2003 08 01
ASUYA is hosting a 24h game on 9-10 of August. It is uncertain if any AAT members will be present. Visit ASUYA for more information about it!

2003 07 13
Today we went to Hallsta and played a scenario game with ASUYA. It was alot of fun, altough the terrain was at some point dreadful! Napoleon from ASUYA shall have a special thanks for writing the scenario and all the missions. The next game will be held next weekend here in Västerås. Pics can be found here
Also visit ASUYA for more pics and the whole scenario.

2003 05 18
Yesterday AAT went to TACs cqb open. We had plenty of kill-points but we were outnumbered in every game and only took one flag, and finished second last. Some pictures are up in the gallery.

2003 05 05
Yesterday AAT and STA skirmished with ASUYA. We had 4 fun games, resulting in two wins for each side. Some pictures are up in the gallery.

2003 03 13
Finally, some new pictures

2002 10 29
We still play every Sunday, and now we have pics of the madness.

2002 09 22
Game played yesterday, with friends from ASUYA. Check the gallery for a few pics.

2002 09 01
Added a link to the no 1 retailer of airsoft guns and tactical equipment in Sweden, Softgame.

2002 08 20
Sunday was game day as usual. And look at this!

2002 08 12
We are still active! Here´s proof

2002 06 10
We had a game as usual yesterday, but there will be no pics because it seems Wests camera has finnally kicked the bucket after 2 years of faithful service every Sunday, wich is pretty good for such a cheap piece.

2002 06 06
has finally gotten a facelift. Go have a look!

2002 05 30
Ok, Big daddy gives you your injection of pics
from the last game!

2002 05 19
New pictures
from our day in the jungle are up.

2002 05 12
New pictures
are up from the game earlier today.

2002 05 06
As always there are more pictures up in the gallery. What else? Well, some of AAT members are going to the TAC CQB open next weekend, and unfortunatly the airsoft at Lincon has been cancelled.

2002 04 21
More pictures are up in the gallery. West has Traded an UZI for a Steyr AUG with Mordred, the AUG is now in the possesion of Frosty.

2002 04 14
Check the gallery for pictures from todays game and from last Friday when some of us went to Kolbäck and played.

2002 03 25
Yesterday Mellberg, Cas and Pixelpusher of AOS
visited us for a few games. Pictures are up in the gallery.

2002 03 17
New pictures
are up from the game earlier today.

2002 03 16
The site is a bit more complete now, I´ve added a Links page and a Weapons page.

2002 03 03
New pictures in the GALLERY
, but we only played on game today because the weather wasn´t very kind to us.

2002 02 24
Look in the GALLERY
! Do it now!

2002 02 17
More pictures
can be found in the Gallery. Today we welcome both new player Daniel and the returning greatness Mosquito. Mosq was one of the first airsoft players in Sweden, and it was no surprise that he was quite a dominating force in the games.

2002 02 12
has been restocked with pictures from our last game.

2002 02 01
We changed some estethic things on the page...

2001 12 31
We added the TEAM AAT
page and some member profiles.

2001 12 30
The new AAT prototype page is up. We will put up more information on the team and our equipment with time.