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*~*Learn Japanese*~*

Polite Essentials

good morning - ohayo gozaimasu (p) oh-hah-yoh goh-zye-mahss
good day/hello - konnichiwa (p) kohn-nee-chee-wah
good evening - konbanwa (p) kohn-bahn-wah
good night - oyasumi nasai (p) oh-yah-soo-mee nah-sigh
good bye - sayonara (p) sah-yoh-nah-rah
please - kudasai (p) koo-dah-sigh
thank you - arigato gozaimasu (p) ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zye-mahss
you're welcome - do itashimashite (p) doh ee-tah-shee-mahsh-teh
excuse me/ I'm sorry - sumimasen (p) soo-mee-mah-sen
yes - hai (p) hi
no - iie (p) ee-eh


zero - zero (p) zeh-roh
one - ichi (p) ee-chee
two - ni (p) nee
three - san (p) sahn
four - yon (p) yohn
five - go (p) goh
six - roku (p) roh-koo
seven - shichi (p) shee-chee
eight - hachi (p) hah-chee
nine - kyu (p) kyoo
ten - ju (p) joo

Key Questions

who - dare (p) dah-reh
what - nan (p) nahn
why - naze (p) nah-zeh
when - itsu (p) ee-tsoo
how - do (p) doh
where - doko (p) doh-koh

Days of the Week

Monday - Getsuyobi (p) geh-tsoo-yoh-bee
Tuesday - Kayobi (p) kah-yoh-bee
Wednesday - Suiyobi (p) soo-ee-yoh-bee
Thursday - Mokuyobi (p) moh-koo-yoh-bee
Friday - Kinyobi (p) keen-yoh-bee
Saturday - Doyobi (p) doh-yoh-bee
Sunday - Nichiyobi (p) nee-chee-yoh-bee


Janurary - Ichigatsu (p) ee-chee-gah-tsoo
February - Nigatsu (p) nee-gah-tsoo
March - Sangatsu (p) sahn-gah-tsoo
April - Shigatsu (p) shee-gah-tsoo
May - Gogatsu (p) goh-gah-tsoo
June - Rokugatsu (p) roh-koo-gah-tsoo
July - Shichigatsu (p) shee-chee-gah-tsoo
August - Hachigatsu(p) hah-chee-gah-tsoo
September - Kugatsu (p) koo-gah-tsoo
October - Jugatsu (p) joo-gah-tsoo
November - Juichigatsu (p) joo-ee-chee-gah-tsoo
December - Junigatsu - (p) joo-nee-gah-tsoo

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Song playing: "Mission Imposaible 2"