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The Tree of life Ultimate Animé Website Banner



Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page!!! Here, we give our answers to your Frequently Asked Questions!!! If you have a Frequently Asked Question, you can give it to us via guestbook or e-mail.

P.S. Please avoid sending in questions already posted here, to avoid net traffic or something...thank you!!!

Your Questions, Our Answers:

Well, we don't have any visitor-sent questions sent in yet, so we made up our own. Send your questions via e-mail or by signing our guestbook. Here goes...

Why don't all the links work yet?
Sorry for that, please bear with us, since we still haven't finished the site quite yet. If you find a broken link when the site is done(visit the Updates page for details), please report it to us.
Hey!!! I own one of the images on your site.
If you own some of the stuff on our site, please visit the Credits page, and see if you are acknowledged there. If not, please contact us, and we will either take the image off or add you to the credits page, whichever you may want.
Can I contribute to your site?
Sure!!! Just drop us a line at our e-mails or our guestbook, and we will be with you momentarily!
Some of the images don't want to show up.
Please bear with us, since we might not have uploaded everything to the web yet.
Can I take your avatars?(or info, or images?)'ll have to ask our permission first.
But how do I ask your permission?
Contact us by e-mail or guestbook!
Where do you get your avatars, and which program do you use to edit them?
We use existing images on the internet, crop them and edit them in Ulead iPhoto Express