Hi there! I have been getting myself back into the swing of editing and updating my website a lot more often. I'm excited about my new layout for the homepage. Hope everyone likes it. Hopefully I will add some new songs and things like that soon. Keep coming back!!

~November 6, 2006~
Updated my journal on the "About Me" page.

~November 8, 2006~
Updated my journal on the "About Me" page.

~November 9, 2006~
Created a new layout for the Homepage.
Updated my journal on the "About Me" page.
Added more pictures on the "My Pictures" page.
Removed the "Enhanced Game Night" page.

~November 12, 2006~
Updated my journal on the "About Me" page.
Updated the "Class Schedule" page.

~November 13,2006~
Added Gomenasai music video to Home Page.
Added How to Save a Life to the "My Pictures" page.
Added We Belong Together to the "About Me" page.
Added Fresh Feeling to the "My Designs - Fase 1" page.
Added Family Affair to the "My Family Pictures" page.
Added A Day Without Rain to the "My Favorite Poetry and Poets" page.

~November 16, 2006~
Updated my journal on the "About Me" page.

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My Site's Places to Go

About ME!
Class Schedule
Dictionary of Travish
Moulin Rouge
My Designs - Fase 1
My Doggie
My Family Pictures
My Favorite Poetry and Poets
My Pictures
My Resume
My Stories
Replaced Words
Run (by Snow Patrol) Lyrics
You Don't Even Know Who I Am
Top However Many Lists