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Evil Characters

The Crystaelion Race


Race: Crystaelion

Age: 17

Power: Mystical

Strength: Has the best overall stats and has the greatest potential for power


Alex is the adopted prince of the kingdom Ushima. In an assassination attempt on Alex,
his adopt father was killed in the process, causing him to unleash a power he never knew
he had. Joined b Martin, he embarks on a quest to master his powers and defeat a dark
force that has returned to reak havoc on the Universe


Race: Crystaelion

Age: 31

Power: Fire

Strength: A wealth of knowlege when it comes to crystals

Weakness: Old

A master of pyro-technics and the Phoenix Sould Ruby. Kasier fought against
Deception I years ago with Alex's father. He now assists Alex to defeat Deception once and for all.


Race: Crystaelion

Age: 17

Power: Fire

Strength: He has a freakin fire crystal :P

Weakness: Youth

Martin is one of Alex's closest friends. Martin spent most of his time searching
for his lost sister before him and Alex met. He now teams up with Alex to defeat Deception I

May Lynn

Race: Crystaelion

Age: 17

Power: Ice

Strength: Resistance

Weakness: Defense

May Lynn is Martin's twin sister. She first ran into Alex in Serdos city. She joins Alex for reuniting
her with her brother

The Human Race


Age: 21

Race: Humans

Strengths: Intellegence, Speed, and Skills

Weakness: Power, Strength, and Resistance

Zaalek was born on the planet Earth. Soon after developing the first prototype of the CMIS Zaalek
left to planet Orion where he lived for five years studying the art of the Assassin. He studied the art
of the Assassin not to kill, but just for fun. Soon after his fifth year on that planet a dark cloud covers
the the planet. A giant ship descended down and the ship brought down a rain of terror to which that
planet has never seen before. The ship belong to a powerful crystal barer Deception I. With the
power of his dark crystal he laid siege to the Entire planet sparring no one but Zaalek. Zaalek's life
was only sparred because of his scientific genius of mechanically harnessing the power of the crystal.
Zaalek was brought on the ship and was told to build a Crystal Matrix Interface System the could be
used to power fleets of starships. When Zaalek refused Deception threaten to dissect the information
from Zaaleks brain. Zaalek now builds weapons of mass destruction harnessing the power of the
crystal to do Deceptions bidding. One day Zaalek hope to get free and destroy Deception. When Alex
and party come to take out Deception Zaalek was sent in to destroy Alex. Alex defeats Zaalek's
machine wizardry. When Zaalek sees that by joining Alex that he could be free of Deception and could
help destroy Deception. So Zaalek joins Alex's party. Now Zaalek helps Alex and the others to bring
down Deception, by using his powerful mind.