ÿþ<HTML><HEAD> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- a { text-decoration: none } --> </style> <TITLE>Notes on Roil class ship</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#FFFFFF" LINK="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#FFFFFF" ALINK="#FFFFFF" BACKGROUND="res/Blue-glass00.gif" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <script src="char/langtypetrans.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" defer="false"> <!-- //--> </SCRIPT> Note: this is a shortened comprehensive version.<br><br> <p> <h3>Size</h3><br> In Bots-I several scene in several episodes show that the Basroil has two visible shuttle bays.<br> <img src="res/Roil_bays_e.gif" border="0"><img src="res/Roil_bays1a_e.gif" border="0"><img src="res/Roil_bays1b_e.gif" border="0"><br> Based on these we get a rought size of 475 m for the ship. This is reasonable in combination with crew room sizes and arrangement, which suggest a living area of at least 20 m in width. (without hull, curves, etc.)<br> Crew room : 5 m long and 2 m wide living space (table, chairs, bed), 2 m for bathroom further at the end, 1 m at sides for personal storage.<br> Corridor/Passage ways: 1.2+ m wide; double as wide with stairs connecting decks.<br> In Bots-II the bay takes the place of the bottom RCS thrusters (Reaction Control System). This should be ignored as a bad attempt to fix sizes as we will see later.<br> <p> <h3>Weight</h3><br> At 475 m the volume of the ship is roughly 2.5-3 times a Nimitz-class nuclear aircraft carrier. The Nimitz-class is a simple single hull design based on various steel such as HSLA-100 steel whose thickness varies around 25.4 mm.<br> The steel has a density of 7.842 which is exactly 3 times that of carbon crystal composite. Only 47000 tons are used in the newest carrier. Since our space craft has double hull with additional protections as well as more thickness due to stress requirements it is reasonable to have a bare weight of 95000 tons.<br> Additionally a Faraday-cage mesh is nessecary to protect the ship internals from latent vacuum electric fields, solar storms, emp, etc. which will make up some kilo tons in the least.<br> The armor is thick compared to normal hull or structural thickness and covers a much bigger area hence it is estimated to be as much as half the structural mass.<br> <p> <h3>Water</h3><br> Based on the volume we can get the volume for the water layer under the armor at 1 m thickness. Unlike on a planet in space there is no gravity or air which would help pumping a tank. Therefore, pipes are used for ease of pumping.<br> <img src="res/Abh-Waterpipe.gif" border="0"><br> This gives about 87650 tons no less but not much more either (structural free spaces included).<br> Also note that water is a hazardous liquid in space. It can corrode material or freeze-expand and hence destroy materials.<br> <p> <h3>Propulsion</h3><br> Antimatter-water propulsion is pretty straight forward. We can ignore the complicated antimatter-matter propulsion system commonly used in acient earth days for this system. By using a hydromagneto system combined with the released energy from the animatter-matter reaction with a generous efficiency of 90%.<br> From here we play a bit with numbers to get the best solution.<br> <ul> <li>For a realistic exhaust at 0.5 c this gives 13.8 kg of water for thrust per 1 kg antimatter and 1 kg matter. This gives a specific fuel consumption of 14.8 kg water and 1 kg antimatter.<br> With a reasonable acceleration performance of 30 g and 350000 tons the propulsion system has to provide 700 kg water as thrust per second. This equals 50.724 kg of antimatter per second needed. </li> <li>For a realistic exhaust at 0.2 c this gives 97.8 kg of water for thrust. At 30 g the system has to provide 1750 kg water as thrust per second. This equals 17.8937 kg of antimatter per second needed. </li> <li>For a realistic exhaust at 0.1 c this gives 397.9 kg of water for thrust. At 30 g the system has to provide 3500 kg water as thrust per second. This equals 9.212 kg of antimatter per second needed. </li> <li>For a realistic exhaust at 0.1 c this gives 397.9 kg of water for thrust. At 20 g the system has to provide 2333.3 kg water as thrust per second. This equals 5.864 kg of antimatter per second needed. </li> <li>For a realistic exhaust at 0.1 c this gives 397.9 kg of water for thrust. At 10 g the system has to provide 1166.6 kg water as thrust per second. This equals 2.932 kg of antimatter per second needed. </li> <li>For a realistic exhaust at 0.1 c this gives 397.9 kg of water for thrust. At 4 g the system has to provide 466.6 kg water as thrust per second. This equals 1.1728 kg of antimatter per second needed. </li> </ul> From the novels we know that ships do cruise around 30 km/s in normal space. At 30 g a 100 second burn is necessary to achieve such velocities.<br> Note: Exhaust velocity cannot be less than 0.1 c or it will become an ion-drive!<br> Note that the propulsion system is independent from the ship's reactor except for keeping magnetic confinement.<br> <p> <h3>Reactor</h3><br> The reactor's purpose is to provide energy for ship systems and weapons. Given specifics for the various systems a rating of at least 230+ TW is necessary. 80% of this is purely for powering the anti proton cannon at a charging rate of 10 seconds.<br> <p> <h3>Weapons</h3><br> Refer to the various pages in the database.<br> <p> <h3>Waste Heat</h3><br> As a rule of thumb on Earth to get rid of waste heat one has to spend 10 times as much energy. To cool down, one tries to transfer heat from the body to the outside. On a planet the outside is air that will take away the excess heat. In the vacuum of space one can only radiate the heat or dump it temporary into a heat sink and radiate it away later.<br> One consequence is that the heat sink limits how much heat can be generated. If more are generated than the heat sink can cover then the ship becomes a molten clump and all your worries are no more.<br> Idealy the heat sink should be at the lowest possible temperature in the beginnin so that its capacity can be maxed out. However, that's not always viable. If water is in solid (ice) form it's more trouble some than worth it. Ice can damage the pipes and also hinders heat transfere throughout the system.<br> Hence, water will be kept at 277 K or 4 degree Celcius that's the most naural coldest state it can be found. (Lower temperature water tends to freeze) For safety the water will be allowed to vaporize to a certain degree.<br> <ul> <li>Heat sink allowed to be used to the boiling point gives a capacity of 4.184 MJ/t K * 87650 t * 96 K = 35205849.6 MJ = 35205.8496 GJ </li> <li>Heat sink allowed to barely vaporize gives a capacity of 35205.8496 GJ + 2257 MJ/t * 87650 t = 35205.8496 GJ + 197826050 MJ = 233031.8996 GJ </li> </ul> <br> Waste heats: (We ignore the propulsion system and expect it to dump its heat into the exhaust most of the time)<br> <ul> <li>Reactor 90% eff. = 23TW </li> <li>Antiproton cannon 90% eff. = 204124.145 GJ at max. power </li> <li>Laser turrets 80% eff. = 1.04GW for each turret </li> <li>Space-time generator ? </li> <li>Magnetic shield ? </li> </ul> With heat sink capacity I only lasers can be used for 1.5 seconds.<br> With heat sink capacity II anti-proton cannon can be used only once, while lasers can be used for 1.25 seconds.<br> </BODY></HTML>
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