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Random Talk Stuffs

I like to watch some animes, such as Full Metal Alchemest, and Naruto, and Samuri Champloo!! I also play alot of games on my spare time, although i would like to find a new hobbie. i am still looking and i think i found one. I would like to fix, put together, take apart computers. The only problem is that i dont know were too start because i have no mentor to teach me. Both my brothers are at college and my friends are allright with computers, but they all seem busy when im not busy. oh ya and my name is JIE C. LEE. Godzilla and king kong are big monsters. If they attked america together, we might have to nuke those big beasts!! then we would probably make statues with their bodys to show every one else that we took down big beasts of doom. I like to play rpg games especially. I guess i really have a passion for rpg games only. Sometimes i like to play statagy games such as Red Alert and Warcraft 3. I would like to know when Blizzard will start working on Starcraft 2!! Brett is a good guy. he plays the bass guitar and he also plays the keyboard. He is a calm person and is also one of my really good friends. Brett is also good friends with Tai-Win, a Taiwanese guy from Taiwan. I am having a bad day today.. i just fell like giving up!!!!! but i know that if i give up, then i will never accomplish anything. I needa be a good role model for my little sister and bro. i havent been a really good role model tho, so i will try soon. I dont want them to become another black sheep of our family like me. Lifetime Warrenty is my sister's band. It consists of Tai-win Ko, Bret Mitchell, Emilio Martinaz and of course, my sister Bie Lee. Their band has influenced me alot. My older brother used to be in the band. He played the cello. He hooked it up to an amp, which made his cello sound like a heavy guitar. It was Kick BuTT!!!! But Kitt had to go to K-State in Manhatten Kansas. So he was replaced my a bass player named Bret Mitchell. Hes a really good guy and we are good friends. I havent heard their band play all out in a while, but i am hoping to hear them this weekend. I guess today isnt the brightest day ive had in a while. I am thinking alot about Rachel, altho ive already excepted the fact that i will never talk to her because........ just because i guess... As long as i live, I will never give up on life... Because the ones i fight for is the one i look after. I never belived in love. Because love is mudan. But i believe in Hope. Hope is something that can never be defeated. Even in the most darkest moments,hope is the most powerfulest weapon you can have or give someone. Without hope, you become something that you do not want to become. Something that you will come to regret when you look back on your life when you have failed....... Hope is my Defenition....

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These are some of my favorite animes/mangas I have watched. I havent actually watched "Bleach", but I read them. I really want to watch them tho because the show moves alot quicker than the comics. "Naruto" has inspired me into thinking in a new way about myself. I love the cartoon to death and would like to get my episodes to work on my computer. On my next page, I will continue to ramble on about my anime stuff and maybe allittle about other random things.
