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Subject: Extreme Priority – The home and the neighborhood Objet: Priorité Extrême – la maison et le voisinage URL: (ENCODED - different) ****IF THERE IS NO KEY, I WILL BREAK THE DOOR AND GET OUT. I MADE A VERY IMPORTANT DECISION IN THE MOST CRITICAL DAYS OF MY PAST, TO WHICH I LOOK BACK AND ONCE MORE FEEL MORE CONFIDENT IN THE PATH I TAKE BECAUSE FROM THE VERY START IT WAS QUITE CLEAR THAT I HAD NO UNITY OF DESTINY ALONG WITH THE FORMER LAND, WHICH CAN NEVER BE A PROPER FAMILY FOR ME AS THERE WILL ALWAYS BE THE HIDDEN INTENTS AND SECOND THOUGHTS OF HOW MUCH I COST THEM OR HOW MUCH I MORTIFIED THEM FOR SPILLING MY GUTS. THIS IS A TOLL I CAN’T AFFORD TO PAY, IF I AM SUPPOSED TO HAVE A COMPLETELY PARTICULAR, DETACHED LIFE AND NEVER FEELING SUBSERVIENT OR INFERIOR WITH THE FEELING OF QUICKSAND TO TAKE OVER EACH TIME I WOULD HAVE TO SHAKE THE HAND OF ONE OF THEM AND EACH TIME I WOULD BE DRAGGED WHEN EACH OF THEM WOULD HOLD ME IN MY HAND AND DRAG ME TO SOME DRUDGERY OR SIMILAR CHORE I WOULDN’T LIKE TO DO BECAUSE OF A SIGN OF GRATITUDE WOULD BE EXPECTED TO BE FREE. THE BEST SIDE OF FREEDOM IS NOT TO OWE ANYBODY AND LUCKILY I DON’T FEEL LIKE OWING THEM ANYTHING BECAUSE THOSE ANTAGONISTS WILL NEVER TURN PROTAGONISTS IN MY SIGHT SINCE IT WILL TAKE VERY LONG YEARS FOR ME TO RECALL THEM AND I WILL. I DO NOT WISH TO DEPEND ON THE FORMER LAND OR I DO NOT WISH SOME COUNTRIES TO ACT IN PURE JUNGLE LAW TO SHOW SIGNALS OF SURRENDERING THE PREY TO THE TOP PREDATOR KIND OF A LOGIC IN HANDLING MY DEMANDS OF WORK, SETTLEMENT OR LIVING BECAUSE I AM NOT AN ANIMAL AND THEM NEITHER. SO EVEN THOUGH SOME ELECTIONS TO BE HELD EARLIER (AS IF I CAN’T START A PUBLIC CAMPAIGN FROM THE START TO TOPPLE THEM IF I WOULD WANT OR FORCE THEM TO GIVE ME A SEAT IN CABINET) THAN ANTICIPATED OR SOME SIGNALS OF SOME COUNTRIES NOT SHOWING A VERY INDEPENDENT POLICY OF ESTABLISHING RELATIONS WITH ME WOULD HAVE TO DO WITH SUCH A JUNGLE SCENE’S IMPRESSION, THAT STILL SHOWS THE INHUMANITY OF THE FORMER LAND, BECAUSE ONCE I WOULD TURN FREE I WOULD HAVE TO WORK FOR THEM AND WHEN I WOULD GET OUT OF HERE, I STILL DISAGREE WITH THE OPINION THAT THE FORMER LAND WOULD BECOME SOME REFUGE FOR ME WITH CONDITIONS MUCH WORSE TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE LOOKING FOR THEM, BECAUSE I HAVE AN INDEPENDENT INITIATIVE IN TERMS OF CONTACTING WITH SEVERAL INFLUENTIAL FIGURES AND SEVERAL FIGURES OF SUCH QUALITY TO HELP ME DEFINE MY ROLE WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION OF TAKING OVER A ROLE I DISLIKE WITHIN MY MOTHER’S COUNTRY AND THIS PROVES THE FORMER LAND’S EFFORTS UNNECESSARY WITH OFTEN A MALEVOLENT AND ENVIOUS HYPOCRISY SHOWING ITS SIGNALS BECAUSE VERY INTERESTINGLY THE EVENING I HAD TO SPEND IN TWO PARTICULAR POLICE PRECINCTS COINCIDED WITH MY DEMAND OF CARRYING OUT HER RELATIONS WITH ME THROUGH THE LEAGUE OF CONTINENTAL NATIONS’ ASSEMBLY EVEN THOUGH THIS HARDLY MINIMIZES THE ROLE OF THE PLACE I WAS FORCED TO SPEND, WITH EVEN THE TOP POLITICIANS OR EXECUTIVES INVOLVED IN THIS MESS AND IF I AM IN SPITE OF THESE TRYING TO CARRY ON MY STUDIES WITHIN THIS QUAGMIRE WITH CURRENT ACADEMICS HERE, THIS IS “NOT BECAUSE” I WISH TO STAY HERE AND LET OTHERS CATCH UP WITH ME BUT RATHER IT HAS TO DO WITH MY DEVOTION OF WHAT I WISH TO ACHIEVE AND GET MY TITLE; THINGS SHOULD NEVER BE MISUNDERSTOOD, ESPECIALLY IN DEFIANCE OF WHAT I CAME UP WITH AND WHAT I SUGGESTED HERE – SO A FORMULA HAS TO BE DEVELOPED SO THAT I WILL NOT BE DEPRIVED OF MY RIGHTS BECAUSE OF HAVING BEEN FORCED OUT OF THIS MESS. IF THE FORMER LAND WILL KEEP HOLDING ME, I WILL BITE THOSE HANDS AND BLEED THEM AND FORCE HER TO LET GO BECAUSE THIS IS SOMETHING I AM ENTITLED TO DO HERE AS I FIND MYSELF AGAIN IN SOME RUNAWAY CATEGORY AND BITERLY TRAPPED TO REAPPEAR ON TRIAL WITH MY NEVER SEEMING TO COME LIBERATION DAY SEEMING MORE LIKELY TO BE POSTPONED SERVING THE BENEFITS OF OTHERS, NEVER MINE, BUT HATRED IS SUCH A POWERFUL MOTIVE THAT THEY WILL HARDLY ENJOY HOW THEY FOOLED ME AND EVEN IF I KNEW I WOULD DIE THE NEXT DAY WHEN I WOULD WALK OUT OF HERE, I STILL WOULD IN ORDER TO BREATHE A FEW HOURS FREELY; FREEDOM IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT FACTOR FORMER, BEYOND YOUR UNDERSTANDING IN YOUR CONTEXT – I AM YOUNG AND IF I CAN TALK ABOUT DEATH AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE IT’S BECAUSE LIVING IS A NIGHTMARE HERE. I ALSO NEED TO ENABLE A FIREARMS POSSESSION BECAUSE IF I WILL HAVE A RIFLE OF MY OWN I WILL BE ABLE TO RESIST THEM BECAUSE IF THEY WILL CALL ME TO TRIAL OR TRY TAKING ME IN CUSTODY, THEY WILL KNOW I WOULD PULL THE TRIGGER AND THE REST WOULD COME GOD KNOWS TOO, AND I WILL BE MUCH SECURER. OTHERWISE WHEN THERE WILL BE A FEW DAYS LEFT TO THE TRIAL I WILL ATTACK A COP AND CLAIM HIS PISTOL AND ENABLE MY SELF DEFENSE MEANS THAT WAY; GOD KNOWS I WILL DO THAT TOO, BECAUSE IN THIS CONFLICT WHEN I SAID I WOULD DO IT, I ALWAYS HAVE AND IF I HAVE SKIPPED SOME DETAILS IT’S MOSTLY FOR A GREATER COMEBACK AND THIS TOO WAS DONE. I WILL HURT ONE, THROWING ACID TO HIS FACE AND CLAIM HIS PISTOL, ANY COP THAT WILL COME NEARBY AND I WILL GET THE BULLETS TOO AND AS IF I AM IN A RITUAL I WILL PLACE THE BULLETS ONE BY ONE AND SPARE THE LAST ONE TO BLOW MY BRAINS AND AT THAT EXPENSE I WILL MAINTAIN MY SELF AUTONOMY (AND BELIEVE ME THAT EACH AFTERNOON I RETURN BACK WITH EMPTY HANDS I GET MORE ACCUSTOMED TO BRACE FOR THAT LIKELIHOOD). BECAUSE WHEN THERE IS NO MONEY, NOBODY FULFILLING MY HEART OR NOBODY THAT CAN PROVIDE ME WITH MONEY AND MEANS AND IF MY ULTIMATE SHORTCUT FOR MONEY MAKING HAS TO DO WITH A REORGANIZED DRAFT SYSTEM, THEN FORGIVE ME BUT I … THAT LIFE. AND I AM NEVER EVER TRYING TO GIVE THE IMPRESSION THAT THE SLUT THAT RUINED MY FAMILY WILL BE SPARED OR WHEN I TALK ABOUT THE HEALTH OF MY BREED AND COME UP WITH COMPARISON OF SOME FALLEN MONARCHS, THAT DOESN’T AIM I WILL BE A MONARCH TOO, BUT THAT MY BREED MATTERS AND IT WILL BE A HUGE BUSINESS AND POLITICAL LEADER DEVELOPING FAMILY, A DYNASTY ALBEIT NO ARISTOCRACY, AS I AM AS WILLING AS EVER TO USE ANY CROWN TO BE PLACED UPON MY HAT AS A CHAMBER POT WITHIN THE SIGHT OF EVERYBODY AND GOD KNOWS I WILL DO THAT AS WELL. AND FINALLY I TALK WITH SUCH REMARKS BECAUSE NO RESPECT IS PAID TO MY PRIVATE OR FAMILY LIFE AND THAT ITSELF IS A CURSE BEFORE OUR COMMON CREATOR, THE ULTIMATE AND THE ALMIGHTY. **** I grow very much irritated by some countries’ attitudes in enabling me a free access and deliberately postpone me for the sake of the lies the former land has to tell to color your sights in pink tones than my dark ones and I will keep a record of any denial written and sent to me and I will deliver them in the same way I present a limited number of my most recent images. And I will demand the aid of more experienced lobby groups that had been exposed to ethnic or religious discrimination, resettlement and losses of life, because it is getting a black eye when I would be hit and when they would be hit the same way, so the event is the same even though the time and the setting may differ. The wrong is still a wrong if a big country does it or a small one and they should be treated equally as I once more renew my pledge to defy the rights of the former land over me, to who I revolt and against who I have my rights to be separated from and follow my own destiny. In this same instance, I want to be of the league of my real mother and I wish to establish more organic bonds with the country that my mother was raised in and in spite of this pledge, I wish to settle apart from there too, because if I do so, as I believe I will have lived in my mother’s home; but the young that come of age there prefer living in different apartments and try to be adequate for themselves, but I regard the countries woven with the culture of my true birth place as well as places to remind me the rule of my mother’s country (so long as they match with the surrounding I was born in) is welcome because that is my neighborhood and that is where I will have been accustomed to living in so I will have not fallen apart from my roots, but when the former land arbitrarily dictates me where to live and who to be when and when there is a pincers style pair with former land on one side and the country that I live in on the other, I feel not so likely to catch up with it and this drags me out of my true life and imposes me a fake life and a phony identity and these appear to hurt my character and my reputation because I represent concepts I feel like representing and those matched to me even though I disagree to seem that way and under such terms it becomes a definite issue that presses me quite hard when I will have to turn back to court houses or trials with bogus witnesses and the like and in such terms I can never work in peace because I have to spend my energy on this campaign and have to depend on things more instant to be blended to each other to become my work, and as a result I can’t find who I am here; this is not that magical place as told in true stories or myths alike where you can come with an inspiration of such a kind. Imagine Ian Fleming being forced to live in the middle of such a disturbing street theater game with parties of people irritating you when one would press the button or Thomas Edison would never discover how to control the electricity currents to dump the stinking gases that light up the lamps or torches or Einstein would never find out relativity or Sir Isaac Newton would have to discover gravity through some people throwing rocks to his head rather than sitting down cross-legged under some apple tree trying to read his book. When people do such respected works and when they are such respected people even though they could be respected by marginal reasons whether to my like or dislike since I do not wish to teach anyone how to think or talk, the former land or some long haired whore cannot come and stand on my way and stand before progress and things I can do for this world. I swear I can find myself 180 degrees in opposite direction and kill people even though I don’t like to; because I want my books, my class and my desk, that computer I can work and generate ideas for and I do not want anybody terrorizing me and my life; and for these to be real fruitful I need to be me without domination anyone above me. And I ALSO DECIDED TO ASK FOR ALL LOBBYING PARTIES TO BOYCOTT ALERNATIVE LAND’S CHIEF EXPORTING ITEMS SUCH AS MUTTON OR WOOL BECAUSE THEY WANT TO IGNORE A BRAIN LIKE ME SINCE I AM DECLARED TO BE OWNED BY SOME POWERS WHO ACCORDING TO SOME OTHERS CANNOT OWN BECAUSE I WAS THERE MUCH LONGER THAN THEY HAD EVER EXISTED, BUT THE THING THAT I AGREE ON THIS IS JUST THAT I AM A FREE MAN AND I DON’T WANT TO BE OWNED AND I DON’T WISH TO BE EVER FORCED TO BE WASTED, BUT FOR THIS MY TIME HAS TO BE SAVED. TO AVOID WHICH MY MOTHER’S LAND CAN MOVE TO GRANT ME CITIZENSHIP AND ALSO SYNCHRONICALLY GIVE ME A CHANCE TO PROVE WHO I AM THROUGH ONE OF THE PREFERRED COUNTRIES OF THE REGION I OWE MY LIFE TO; EVEN IF I WOULD GET THERE AND IF I WILL SEE THAT WILL NOT BE SOLVED IN A PALATABLE WAY, THEN MY CALL FOR AN EMBARGO WILL STILL REMAIN VALID. DISTANCE DOESN’T PROVE BEING INTERESTED IN A HUMANLY CRISIS IS NEEDLESS. And now as usual I’m back to where they talk about me: The taps for today starts. This was recorded within last 12 hours; with duration anticipated to be four or five minutes. One of the lines belongs to a reception service of a hotel and the other belongs to a catering firm well known: 1: The trouble one has in his back doesn’t let him sit properly. This bastard has become more like a prick than a cushion and we are not doing enough. 2: I disagree that we do so little. This is the best we can do and he is armed; he will get out in either way and there is not many ways to halt him. 1: My spastic daughter cannot go anywhere as she likes to. She is disabled. The firm must stop her. 2: The firm has a last minute plan, but this is supposed to remain secret. If the point should reach to her departure, then we are going to denounce there is a bomb in her airplane and since she is a suspect, they will automatically claim her under control of probation and she won’t move anywhere. We have such plans so please calm down. 1: Alright; now that you claim that you can do it… 2: Don’t worry about that. Mosquitoes are noisy but they are small and at a single hit they will be bust. Yours faithfully, Veuillez agréer Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
