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Last updates


Hi all! Alice here with an update. The site has a new layout made by yours truely. Please send in your feed back


Alice <3


hokay! :3 all the cover art for all the new manga is up. even the new pages for them as well. w00t. so I'll start working on them as soon as possible. Which will be soon as a I don't have too many classes this school quarter. w00tness.



well now. do i have something for all of you! :3 thanks to my dear dear bf i now have some much needed new manga. tons of it. I will be adding a total of three new series to the manga section. I plan on getting the pictures up in a few days so you guys keep looking for it.

I'm also not really sure what's going on with Alice so we may be loosing our fanart section if she doesn't start posting. -_-il

The manga section will be getting an overhaul as well so as to make room for dropped projects. :)



not really much of an update so much as a giving of information. after about two years of trying to translate wolf's pupil someone has finally picked it up. as a result i'll be working twice as hard to get that series finished at least through snake. (because snake is easy XD). i'm almost done with the third part of Century of Steel seeing as how i had quite a bit of family and friend problems since the last update. All of the images are edited and ready, and i have a few more pages to translate. so like i said before, almost there.

