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"Yes, and I was a frog . . ." A blog for free falling monkeys on crack. — Profile

Name:  Yaminah Tashanazi
Birthday:  8 February, 1989
Bio:  Me = crazy, crazy psycho person. Wheeeeee!!! Nah . . . only sometimes. But I *am* a hypo-manic with a caffeine induced psychosis . . . **long pause** Okay, so I am pretty much crazy. I decided I needed this blog because I am too incompetant to create a real website. XD I go by many names . . . The current pen name is "Yaminah Tashanazi" but other common nicknames are: Chaos (the main one), Chaos Mage, Yami, Yam (-.-; Don't ask . . . Please), and the most recent one . . . Poke (because I often poke people). Please feel free to use any of them. ^^ I am a writer, artist, musician . . . used to be a athlete, gave it up after spraining my ankle several times and having to deal with jerky coaches. XP Blah blah blah . . . **goes on with boring Bio stuff no one wants to hear**
Interests:  I love to write, it's one of my possible careers in the future. I write fanfiction and many stories of my own. Lots of fantasy, sci-fi, anime/manga like stuff . . . I also really like to draw. Mostly black and white sketches. I doodle cartoons during class and also make very detailed sketches. I play Alto Saxophone in the school band and jazz band. I reeeeaaaaaally like jazz. Of course though, I like lots and LOTS of music! Linkin Park, Sting, Beatles, JROCK/JPOP, Anime, soundtracks . . . Variety is the spice of life, no? Uhhh . . . let's see here. Of course anime and manga!!! Lots of Yu-Gi-Oh! **huggles her Baku-chan and Seto-kun**, Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Bleach, Shaman King, Saiyuki, Dragon Knights (Whoo!), Trigun . . . etc etc etc. **could on for hours just with that subject. XP** But anywhoooo . . . I also enjoy very much random insanity!! LOL The final thing I'll mention (kudos to you that are actually reading this crap XD) is that I really like history, especially ancient history. Languages like Japanese and Ancient Egyptian are soooo awesome. Archeology will probably be my main field in collage.
Blog Created:  Saturday, 28 August 2004
Last Updated:  Sunday, 6 March 2005 - 9:02 PM CST
Blog Entries:  10

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