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yeah yeah whatever whatevr yadda yadda yadda

Hey there, and Welcome to The Raging Duelist Unleashed.

This is basically.... A site about me. If you don't
know me you probably won't care about what
I write here, and if you know me, you'll probably
care less., was made for my own personal
feeling of acomplishment, given that I have started
about 10 or 20 angelfire sites with the sole purpouse
of uploading pictures of mine to the internet and
never finished them, or even STARTED them, now though
I decided to at LAST finish one! yahoo!!
Anyway, "Enjoy"!!

Note the really cool banner, a nice creation of
yours truly, me. Seriously I'm proud, I've
NEVER done anything so cool. Now you'll probably
think I'm an ever BIGGER geek though....

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