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Subject: Extreme Priority – Old taste Objet: Priorité Extrême – vieux goût URL: (ENCODED - different - ENCODÉE – différent) ****THE TRIAL IS SAID TO BE POSTPONED POSSIBLY UNTIL THE END OF THE JUDICIARY HOLIDAY SEASON UNLESS I WOULD BE SUMMONED NEXT WEEK THAT IS BUT NOW THAT IT’S NOT COMPLETELY WITHDRAWN AND SINCE I AM SUPPOSED TO GET THERE TO DROP SOMETHING WRITTEN WITH THE STATE OF MIND OF A TEENAGER THAT HAS PROBLEMS WITH THE LAW AS WELL AS SINCE I AM STILL SEEING THE BURDEN OF BEING A DRAFTEE HERE, I WILL NEITHER WITHDRAW MY CONTACT WITH ONE OF THE HISTORIC FOES OF WHERE I STAY NOR WILL I WITHDRAW MY PROPOSITION OF RED BULLETIN AGAINST THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE AND THE PROSECUTOR-GENERAL, BECAUSE THE NATURE OF WHAT IS GIVEN IS NOT CERTAIN, AN UNSTABLE END STILL IS BEFORE ME AND ABOVE ALL THIS WOULD BE SOMETHING TENTATIVE AND SINCE I MAY BE CALLED TO COURTHOUSE AGAIN I MAY STILL BE FACING OTHER CHARGES INVENTED AGAINST ME LIKE STALKING THOSE FILING COMPLAINTS OR THE LIKE, AND THE FORMER LAND IS NOT A PARTY THAT I CAN DEPEND ON LIKEWISE THEIR COLLABORATORS HERE, THE BIGGEST OF WHICH IS THE RULE OF THE COUNTRY THAT I HAVE TO STAY AND BE IN CRISES, AS YOU CAN REMEMBER THERE WAS AN ACQUITTING DOCUMENT GIVEN TO ME MONTHS AGO WITHDRAWING ALL INDICTMENTS, BUT THEY HAD FOUND OTHER WAYS TO INDICT ME, SO THE BITTER OLD TASTE IN MY MOUTH SAYS, I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT I HAVE TO TASTE (I PROMISE PHOTOS IF I WILL GO COURTHOUSE), AS IT SEEMS TO BE THE SAME THING, WITH ONLY THE PLATE LOOKING DIFFERENT, I HAVE SEEN THAT MOVIE BEFORE, OF COURSE THERE ARE MOVIES I FEEL LIKE WATCHING WHEN I LIKE OR TRY TO COLLECT THEM AND BE ABLE TO WATCH THEM OVER AND OVER ONCE AGAIN BUT THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM. **** Money can be found and money can be lost; the health can be lost and with the aid of technology, it’s even growing more possible to regain health, however challenging or impossible it had been some decades ago. But centuries had passed and the only constant that remained the same had been nothing but the acute problem of the loss of trust or confidence. The former land, the ex-spouse, where I once had known as home and where I would live for a long time, namely here; all have eroded before my sight as they are no longer figures that I can depend on or turn my back to and still feel safe. I wouldn’t wish to share the same bed with one and drop asleep next to, whereas I couldn’t be safe walking in the streets of one or I would never feel safe if I thought my place would be in a system of belonging one. These are all over, no way back ever possible; the nature of relations if ever meant to be established with either of these again, will never be the same not in the status with each as in the past. What I am obliged to do and what I ask of you is to swiftly move ahead and evaluate the new demands I had developed within last three years and to implement them. The alternative land doesn’t seem to be willing to take me as somebody skilled and able to work and live there but wishes to give me a temporary status, but even if I should get out of here and find myself former land bound again for one reason or another, the system that I had denounced once will never leave me alone because it didn’t leave my strife to be acquitted without a payback, she annoyed me, delayed me and above all provoked me and as a consequence of it, set me a trap and found a new way for me to be back to the courthouse and if you tell this story to a six year old child, he would turn to you and say “what a foolish thing it is to assume they will never be bothering again”. Especially the former land, the main predator, which praises about prompting democracy to the world, while waylaying a potential leader (whether I would be leading or not is another argument but I was expected to and I was waylaid, where is democracy in this, can a former land that organized a lot of coups d’état because of their failure to gain the favor of the public and stood as an alternative against communism and some other totalitarian or fundamentalist regimes – continental league is also invited to democracy but no democracy to be eligible to elect or be elected, where is the democracy in it?) is a deadly hunter. And such figures of this deadly game should be evaluated as if they are predator animal species, which don’t act on mind but on instincts the nature has given them; and once you are bitten by an insect you will never regard it as if it will never happen again; this is an automation in a way that they were programmed to do, so it’s no smart behavior to suggest that I will not be having to do again with any troubles but look ahead and see happy days. Or let’s focus on the issue of meteorology; if a region or a district is somewhere where catastrophes occur, you cannot feel relaxed thinking that it will never happen again so I do not trust in those parties mentioned above as well as preceding long texts I had to post, because it’s in their nature to imperil or place the exposed one at risk; this is not realistic and logically I am doing the right thing even though I may get out of here to step into a different world than this one with a very odd status here, I have to make sure the same things will never be repeated again, and remember, climbing onto the very top of the hierarchy of the former land doesn’t grant immunity either, those that had fought at the contrary front will still retain undercover positions, because as the phrase suggests, they are undercover, so as somebody that has armed assault with the back turned to the assailant in my personal history, I cannot act as if nothing had ever happened and when you look at the whole thing with repetition of factors to strip me off my identity and discriminate me because of my faith and associate it with dogmatic deductions of what the apocalypse can bring are showing that there is a deep rooted, deep seated and a very acute ideal within former land’s ruling oligarchy’s insight that suggests that I ought to be stopped and the history would never be the future once again, so captivation, isolation as well as constant trouble causing are all used by the former land to avoid this from happening. This analogy suggests that if the hatred or at least let’s call it “reservation with prejudice” has so much deep roots, then the plans made will turn out to be complicated and tried and consequences estimated. If this country or the former land waylays and trips up my effort to claim reparations as low as some a couple grand bills, then it’s very likely that something bigger will not be easily given, and the former land leadership’s cooperation with this event being a clear null, there is a likelihood very strong that those that had achieved a second term may blame on some anticipated or unanticipated challenges ahead and look for a third term exception as the history a few decades ago had really witnessed such a thing to happen; therefore I will not buy the former land story, not that I feel like claiming the power and taking over but that I do not wish this event be the reason that delays me or keeps me off from searching for alternatives for my life and projects ahead but whatever to be presented as temporary still will not be a fitting thing for a true refugee and any bias in denial of refuge should be subject to some action more effective than mere condemnation and since I will have fallen apart from my continent, I think a dual citizenship to be established from one of the regional nations close to my birth place should be allowed as well, reminding that I have debts, military service obligation not lifted, which may prove as obstacles for a healthy and legal departure from here and I wish to highlight how unethical it is to have diplomatic moves or negotiations at the expense of human life or psychology and how bets over how I will get out or where I will go to will be unfitting, as it’s in flavor not different from forcing Congolese refugees in thick jungle and betting on them which one will get out of it and head out of that land first with guerillas, gorillas, Ebola or poisonous animals all around; money making may be easy but should never be unethical. With these points highlighted, I wish to seal this conversation and pass to what is passed onto my ears: The tape for today starts. This was recorded from a call made during the dawn hours of today by local time and one of the numbers belongs to a funeral services shop and the other belongs to a private morgue. The call lasts around five minutes. 1: We are not going to keep doing this for long. I am afraid we have to find something more effective. 2: Yes, we don’t seem likely to have him be tried but when he reaches for there, chances are he may still come across one of the journalists chasing his story and what can he do to such a person in the middle of the court? There will be a photo correspondent too and even if the trial will not reach for its purpose we will still manage to humiliate him. I guess this can be done and in isolation he will never prefer getting out of the house so he will have been effectively shut up. 1: As silent as the dead? Can you ensure that? 2: Believe me, I can arrange that. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!