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Sesshoumaru's Only Love

This is a site dedicated to my love of Sesshoumaru. His, beauty, grace, bloodlust, mannersims and many more parts of his personality make me love him. He is so deadly I can't help but be attracted to him. He's a dominant male and most woman like him for that reason as well. Now what would happen if Kagome or another woman cam along in his life and just threw his world out of whack. Well These next few pages will be some of my favorite fan fictions that I have found with the one and only handsome demon lord.

The first fan fiction belongs to me. If you want to put it on your website please ask me first. This way I can add your page to my links. Then we'll both get more veiws. As for the other Fan Fics if you have any questions or comments concerning them please email me. I will forwards anything you have to say to them. Please do not take any of these personal writings without asking first. Thank you!

With that said...Enjoy reading!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Caught Me Eye
