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Kyo Yummura's Zoids Site


What is a Zoid?
Newest in Zoids/information
Zoids Vidios
Costoms/Fan Art
Wolf's Rain
*Midori's mini-site* What is OekakiPotato?

||Day#:20th-Month:Febuary-Year:-2005-||Day:Sunday|| The new url to this site is .|| |2-20-05|\-New updates-(2-20-05)-Okay, Im back. Sorry yall, I had to move half way across the freakin planet...And I'm kinda depressed right now, so yeah...But I'll update as often as I can. Sorry yall. ^^(2-2-05)-I had to disasimble my zoids today...TT__TT I feel liike I've killed somthing >>--{none}Im sorry. I freakin suck and I feel like hell. I'll be back.--(1-29-04)-I'm so sorry you guys. I've been so busy latley, and I haven't been able to update latley.-____- I juss have so many things going on in my life, and I'd like to get through with them first. -___---(1-18-05)-Sorry about the non-updates. I had more important matters to worry about....-___-(1-11-04)-N/A(1-10-04)-I got my Black Impact Blade Liger today!! XD I love him, but not as much as my Whitz Wolf!!! ><(1-9-05)-N/A(1-8-05)-My Black Impact liger still hasn't come in. I wonder where he is...Oh well. I'll try the post again on monday.(1-7-05)-I hope I get my Black Impact Blade Liger today....!! ^__^(1-6-05)-I got one of my new zoids in the mail today, the Whitz Wolf!!! I love him so much!! *SQUEE!! *huggles wittle Whitz Wolfie Zoid!!* ^__________^(1-5-05)-I added a new banner...!Do you like it? ^__^ It was created using painter pro ver 8.0.--(1-4-05)-So, how are all yall? *glares impatiently* This is making me mad!! I don't know how to do this advanced site crap.....HeLp mE!!(1-2-04)So, I don't understand this LyCoS thing, I'll figure it out later...-__-(1-1-05)-Happy new years! This site has been converted to advanced. Or whatever.... ^.^12-28-04)-Im thinking about putting in a Zoids Fan Art Section.--(12-25-04)-Hope all yall had a merry christmas! ^.^I did! I got no Zoids, but lots of money and stuff!!(12-24-04)-Happy Holidays! ^^(12-22-04)-My dad is helping me this "Oekaki Thing". I hope I can Get it running soon.--(12-21-04)-GAH! the oekaki installation process is so confusing...Im trying to get an Oekaki Board on here. If you don't know what an oekaki board is, heres one: or just visit midori's mini site thats located in the Main Menu//or Navigation. (12-20-04)- Im trying as hard as I can peoples. Please, bare with me. -_-(12-18-04)Im doing my best people. Bare with me. I have winter break coming up, so I'll be able to work on this more often. ^^;-Im making this into a Zoids site. If you don't like zoids, them tuff luck! >:p (12-7-04)Hey, re-making still. I hope my comp accepts this *got a new one...* And, my friend accsedentally did some "changes" oh well...I still wuv her! ^^|\\N/A This site was created in October, and used to be called Wolfe's News. That wasn't working out for me to well so I changed the site several times. My Editor accedebtally deleted some data, so I decided to rebuild the whole entire site. Now, this is or Kyo Yummura's Zoids Site. Anything and everything is Copy Righted to Alexa Griffin, unless stated other wise. Thanks for all your sopport, Team STAFF.