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Forest Of Lost Time to the first time ive put something on this website...i hope youre, this is bound to be a fun venture for me! i get to teach people. furthermore, i get to teach people about their flaws and how to stop being a victim of said problems...this isnt to say that i dont have problems...but at least i dont have any of the problems that im teaching about. though i may have in past years...but thats none of your damn business now is it? my name is tyler durden...if you recognize the name, then good for you! you watch to much tv...get off your ass and go outside!... yes...but its a proper name for what i am doing, so shut the hell up and listen to my wisdom...or any of you know what death is like? no? didnt think so...neither do i...but we'll experiment with that later...i just want to know exactly what i have to work with got to go...but ill be back...wait for it...

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