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Sunday, 29 August 2004
My Video Here are some episodes!!! *Episode 8. The Toad Who Would Be Prince* in this ep, inuyasha and kagome r hanging around in Washashi. inuyasha spots a white blurr as myouga goes off to check on kagome. inuyasha runs after the white blurr and they find a guy named nobunaga. kagome goes crazy and thinks that he's oda nobunaga. she shakes his hand and asks for an autograph. inuyasha asks what's gotten her excited. kagome says that he's oda nobunaga. then she asks inuyasha if he learned histroy. myouga popps on her shoulder and says that that's not what nobunaga's signature is. kagome sees that it's omari nobunaga. she gets annoyed and asked him why he didn't tell her that he was oda nobunaga. nobunaga says hat he has an important mission and that he must be off. inuyasha starts to say, "Uh i wouldn't go that way if i were-" that second, nobunaga falls clumsily. kagome and inuyasha walks over to where he fell which was on a hill and kagome says, " an idiot? yes, but oda nobunaga, probably not!" the scene then changes to a village. these girls are being taken to the lord's place. the people say that there's been news that the lord was being possessed by a demon. inuyasah and kagome follow nobunaga and inuyasha asks angrily why they had to. but when he found out that there was a demon there, he becomes interested. they go to the castle and inuyasha says he can smell the demon stink from here. he then tells kagome to hop on his back. kagome says, "K" and walks over. inuyasha gets annoyed when nobunaga comes over. "Hey! get off!" inuyasha says. "i've got buisness up there." (he wants to save princess tsuyu, who's the lord's wife.) "well go and find ur own ride!" inuyasha says. "just let him." kagome says. inuyasha mumbles about him being the nice guy and leaps over the castle wall. the soldiers r sleeping and kagome says," well so much for castle security." myouga then tells inuyasha that their sleep is hypnotic, and that it even my be castle wide. the scene switches to them inside hte castle. nobunaga is yelling for princess tsuyu. kagome asks inuyasha if it was okay to let him yell tha loud. "well i don't see why not, they're asleep ain't they?" inuyasha says with his arms crossed. nobunaga enters a room where a person is laying down on the ground iwth her back to him. nobunaga, thinking that it was princess tsuyu, tells her be strong and lifts her up. when he sees it's an old woman, he says, "oh, what has happened?!" meanwhile, kagome is beside the real princess tsuyu and says, "sorry to inturrept nobunaga, but isn't THIS the princess?" nobunaga freaks and drops the old lady with a THUD. myouga hops out of kagome's hair and says, "did someone say princess? i know a good way t wake her!" he starts sucking her blood from her cheek. as usual, myouga gets squished. princess tsuyu wakes up and says, "nobunaga?" and they talk about how she remembered him and how they'd laugh and laugh when he fell in horse dung. nobunaga's white monkey blushes along with nobunaga and falls off his shoulder when tsuyu mentions of nobunaga and hte horse dung. kagome and inuyasha sit along the wall. kagome says." u don't suppose nobunaga's in love with the princess do u?" inuyasha said that was pathetic. princess tsuyu talks about hwo weird her lord has acted. then the lord, who is a toad, appears. inuyasha attacks, but gets blown by the toad's poison gas. tsuyu fainted into nobunaga's arms, cuz she never expected her husband to be so ugly. (his face used to be hidden by bandages, but inuyasha cut them off) nobunaga defends princess tsuyu and gets his arm hurt by the toad. the toad runs off with princess tsuyu and to this place filled with eggs, inuyasha and kagome and nobunaga find the place and see tsuyu trapped inside an egg. myouga says that girls were kept in these eggs until their sould ripens and ready to be eaten. nobunaga attacks clumisly and the toad breaths out poisonous gas. inuyasha push nobunaga out of the way and attack iwth tetsusagai. the toad got hurt and he called sould to heal him. meanwhile, nobunaga frees princess tsuyu. she says, "nobunaga? nobunaga!" and hugs, while nobunaga's monkey dances on his head. the toad goes over and says, "don't u touch my princess-oof...." inuyasha slams tetsusagai on his head and says, "u have nothing to say." the toad falls and nobunaga protects tsuyu. the toad wakes and says in hte lord's voice, " princess tsuyu? what am i? what have i, please someone, tell me this isn't my doing!" then he says tha he couldn't control himself, then tells inuyasha to kill him. inuyasha gets interested and asks if he wants tetsusagai in the head, or in the guts. then kagome and nobunaga say that the lord still lives inside the monster and that they should get him out. inuyasha sits down and says it's all nobunaga's problem now and that he'll only help if he gets to kill im. the toad cackles and returns to the demon. it sticks its tongue through nobunaga's arm, nobunaga then tells kagome to take tsuyu and get away. as kagome and tsuyu run, myouga tells them to find something hot. kagome asks if there's a torch or something in the castle. princess tsuyu says nothing, cuz she isn't sure. then nobunaga's monkey appears and runs ahead. it reappears with a plate of fire. "oh what a smart monkey u r!" kagome says as the monkey lands on her hands. her eyes widen, " if only it werent' so small!" she said at the tiny fire. kagome gets knocked down by the toad. inuyasha does a cool back flip in the air and lands infront of them. "sorry kagome, but mercy's a luxury we cannot afford!" kagome thinks about hair spray. inuyasha attacks and kagome shoults "sit!" inuyasha falls and kagome holds hair spray against the small fire. she blasts the toad with tthe fire. the demon escapes out of hte lord and floats away. inuyasha kills it and takes the shard. nobunaga takes inuyasha's hands and thanks him. inuyahsa looks disguested. nobunaga then turns to princess tsuyu. "nobunaga." she says," princess tsuyu?" "nobunaga!" "princess tsuyu!" they run forward and nobunaga stops. "u saved my husband!" princess tsuyu says nad hugs her husband. "princess tsuyu..." nobunaga falls and his feet stick in the air. hte lord says that he was sorry to worry princess tsuyu. he looks funny lol. then the scene goes to kagome, inuyasha and nobunaga on the same hill htey met. nobunaga sighs. kagome asks him to say something. "idiot, he risked his life to save his only romantic rival!" inuyasha says. nobunaga raises his head and says, "yup that's right. nobunaga, hte world's biggest idiot and fool." inuyasha then says that he's a fool, but he did save a lot of lives, so he soldn;t beat himself up for it. nobunaga looks happier and says, "hey, that doese make me happier! okay!" inuyasha starts to say, "wouldn't go taht way if i were..." as nobunaga walks off the hill. THUMP. "way" inuyasha finishes. as nobunaga lands on his head. kagome says, "yup he's an idiot!" ~*Episode 9. Shippo And The Thunder Brothers*~ First, Kagome and Inu-Yasha are walking through a battle field, there were, like, so many skulls. Like always, they wanted to stick around and check things out around the battle field. Shippou comes out, and distracts them with his fox fire magic while he sneaks up from behind. He took the shards from Kagome and hid inside a skull and runs of! ( his tail sticks out of the skull however, so IY and Kagome found him) IY hits Shippou, of course, and Shippou tells them about the Thunder Brothers. IY hits him a lot, so Shippou puts a spell on Inu-Yasha that covered his hands. IY still hit Shippou another time. Kagome and Shippou run off to the Thuder Brothers and leave IY behind. The Thunder Brothers killed Shippou's father, so Kagome help Shipppou to avenge his father. Kagome is kidnapped by Manten, and Shippou is left, shocked. Hiten, the older brother comes back with a girl. He burns that girl, because he was so mad at Manten for not being able to get more Shinkon No Tama Shards. Shippou, then, has no choice but to ask Inu-Yasha for help. He made IY promise not to hit him, IY promised, and Shippou took the spell off. The second Shippou let Inu-Yasha free, IY hit Shippou many times! LOL Manten lost 2 of his "precious" hair because of Kagome's arrow, he wants to use Kagome to make potion for more hair. After, Kagome said to The Thunder brothers that Iy loved her and that she was Inu-Yasha's girlfriend. They were going to trade, but Inu-Yasha went and charged at Hiten!!! Inu-Yasha saw Manten strangling Kagome, so he threw his Tetsuseiga at Manten, and the last of his hairs came off! Hiten was beating Inu-Yasha, he told Inu-Yasha that no woman is worth losing a battle. Inu-Yasha wasn't going to listen. Hiten went over to help the wounded Manten, Manten said "I rather die, maybe I would be re-born as a caterpillar, hairy from head to furry toe." And those were his last words. Hiten bit the Shinkon No Tama Shards out of Manten's forehead, and then went one-on-one with Inu-Yasha. Hiten burned Shippou and Kagome, ( obviously, they would die!) And, out of anger and avenging his friends, he used all his power and beat Hiten. Myouga-jiji said, " Well, aren't you happy? You got the Shinkon No Tama Shards." Then, Inu-Yasha says back to myouga-jiji, " Yes, but I lost Kagome!" Then, Myouga-jiji said, " look, Kagome and Shippou as spirits, they must be here to say their last fare-wells!" Kagome then says to IY, " You fought a good fight." Shippou says, " Yes, and in the end, I was able to avenge my father after all!" IY says, " NOOO, KAGOME!!!" then this the funny part, Kagome says, " What is it??" Then IY is about to pummel Myouga-jiji! The fox fire protecting them, and the fox fire around Shippou-Chan and Kagome-Sama made the look like ghosts of spirits! ~*Episode 10. Phantom Showdown! *~ this is the episode where the gang has just met Shippo and Shippo wants revenge because the "Thunder Brothers" killed Shippo's father. Kagome has been captured and she is floating on a cloud with the bald thunder brother (cant remember his name) has Kagome up on a cloud and Kagome knocks him off but she falls too. Meanwhile Inuyasha is fighting the other thunder brother and gets a huge cut on his shoulder from the guys thunder staff thingy and the thunder brother thinks he's all high and mighty. Back to kagome she knocks of the bald demons last hair and he gets really ticked. He starts launching lightning blasts out of his mouth. Kagome and Shippo run but get knocked down and the thunder brother starts to choke kagome. Inuyasha screams "kagome" and as a lastest effort he throws tetsuiga the brother he's fighting dodges it but inuyasha was not aiming for him. It lands right in the other brothers back. kagome gets away and the other brother rushes to his hurt sibling. They have a long sorrow speach and the other brouther gets real mad and swears to get his revenge. Meanwhile, kagome droped tetsuiga and know Inu doesn't have it. The thunder brother takes his brothers jewl shards and fires a HUGE blast a Inu. Myoga tell Inu to use the shieth to defend himself. Inu does and is able to block the blast. They fight for a bit and the shieth is about to break when Kagome (useing Shippo as a bow and taking the arrow out of the dead brothers nose) shoots at the fire wheels that allow the brother to fly. She hits and as he is locked in a final standing duel with Inu he fires his brother's brothers mouth blast at Kagome and Shippo and hits them ful on. Inuyasha thinks them dead gets really really mad and finally kill the thunder brother. He runs to Kagome and Shippo but they are not there. Then they apear with a blue light around the Myoga says that they are the spirits saying there last goodbye before they move on. Inuyasha gets really upset and grabs Kagomes hand is almost Crying don't leave me DON'T LEAVE ME. then the blue light disapears and he see's Kagome and Shippo are fine and Kagome goes whats with all the Don't leave me stuff Inu gets real mad turns around and says "Just die I don't care if Your gonna die just do it." Later they are walking along a path and Kagome says to Myoga Why is Inuyasha so upset and myoga says Thinking that you were dead Inuyasha showed more feeling then He might have wanted to. Inuyasha turns around looking really angry and Myoga ducks for Cover and thats it. ~*Showdown! Inuyasha vs Sesshomaru*~ Everyone was stunned that Kagome could put out Tetsusaiga (Teht-Tsu-Sai-ee-Ga) without harm at all. Sesshomaru, who felt annoyed by such outcome, demanded Kagome that she must submit the sword to him. However, Kagome refused, and threatened that she'd cut him with the sword. Inu-Yasha warned Seshoumaru to stay away from Kagome for good. Sesshomaru, who hated humans and half-demons alike, then sprayed toxic sludge upon Kagome, covering her alive! He also remarked to Inu-Yasha that Inu-Yasha's love for human was what made him weak, just like his mother. Enraged by such insult and watching Kagome buried alive, Inu-Yasha lashed out physically upon Sesshomaru, because he wanted to defend the pride of both his mother and Kagome. But, his attack only put a dent on Sesshomaru. Unknown to both of them, Kagome popped out the sludge, unharmed, because the sword protected her. Kagome then handed the sword over to Inu-Yasha. Sesshomaru then turned into his true demon form: a giant wolf with toxic breath! (Yuck! Yikes!) He went on with an all-out assualt upon Inu-Yasha, and Inu-Yasha could barely fend him off with Tetsusaiga. Despite some encouragement from Kagome, Inu-Yasha soon found himself fighting for his very life! Just when things appeared to be hopeless, a miracle then happened. Tetsusaiga responded to Inu-Yasha's desire to protect Kagome, and transformed into a brand-new sabre! With the newly evolved Tetsusaiga, Inu-Yasha cut Sesshomaru into pieces, and sent him flying! Later, Kagome related her tale with Kaede about Tetsusaiga and Inu-Yasha, which they agreed with Myoga that Tetsusaiga was truly perfect for Inu-Yasha to wield, because his father created it from his fang with his love for Inu-Yasha's mortal mother. They also agreed that Sesshoumaru, who had no respect toward humans and half-demaons alikem, was not worthy for Tetsusaiga to accept him. Kaede commented that in some ways, Inu-Yasha was just like his father with strenth and arogance, but in other ways, he was unique on his own. However, Kaede also said that now the sword was now in Inu-Yasha's possession, his trial has just begun. She also cautioned Kagome to be careful with Inu-Yasha, because he could become powerful himself to gain possession of all Shikon Jewel shards. But Kagome wasn't worried. She knew that she could still force Inu-Yasha to obey her with the word,"Sit, boy!", which would pull Inu-Yasha down with the necklace! ~*Episode 6. Tetsusaiga, The Phantom Sword *~ The villagers are looking for Kagome when they find her bike. Back in Present day Tokyo, Kagome's mom and Souta talk about Kagome. Inuyasha and his "mother" are still standing together while Kagome is desperately willing him to wake up and realize that she's not his mother. Inuyasha's mother says that she has to go back to the next world now, and makes a flower appear in her hands. she sends it onto the water where it breaks apart and the petals float. Then she tells Inuyasha to look into the water. He sees his own memories from when he was a little boy. (SO CUTE!) His mother hugs him but from behind we see that her hands melt into him, absorbing him. While Kagome is trying to figure out why she can't move, she realizes that everything thus far has been an illusion. The pond is a swamp and there are chains holding her down. Myouga the flea comes over to Kagome and tries to wake her up by sucking her blood. It works. Kagome can move again. Jaken is in a bout, coming towards Inuyasha and the woman who now has no face. He calls her the "nothing woman" and hits her for absorbing him so quickly because he's going to die if she does. He asks her if she found out the location of Inuyasha's father's grave. Kagome is hiding around the corner and Myouga warns her about Jaken's staff of heads. The nothing woman absorbs Inuyasha further, trying to get him to remember the location of the grave, but he doesn't know. Then he says "the right black pearl" Jaken yells at her to find out more but the nothing woman tells him that if she goes deeper, his soul will break. While in his illusory state, Inuyasha realizes that the woman is not his mother. While Jaken yells at the nothing woman that if she doesn't hurry up he'll get scolded by Sesshoumaru, his staff disappears from his hands. Kagome has grabbed it from behind and then she kicks Jaken froward. Then, swinging the staff like a golf club, she hits Jaken several feet into the air. Then she runs after the nothing woman. Myouga tells her that she has to wake up Inuyasha's soul in order to free him. Myouga tells Kagome that the nothing woman is made up of the souls of women who have lost their children in wars. That's when Kagome sees the real form of the nothing woman's spell reflected in the water. The disturbs the water in order to free Inuyasha's soul and Inuyasha is knocked away from the nothing woman. Inuyasha is pissed that the nothing woman took the form of his mother but Kagome tells him that it was all Sesshoumaru's and Jaken's doing. Then Sesshoumaru's voice is heard. He says that he has finally realized the location of the grave. Before Inuyasha has time to finish yelling out "Sesshoumaru!" Sesshoumaru is already in front of him, holding his neck with one clawed hand, while the rest of Inuyasha hangs several feet above the ground. He's still talking about his father's grave. Then he puts one clawed finger in front of Inuyasha's right eye. Yellow electricity shoots out into Inuyasha's eye and Sesshoumaru pulls out his pupil, then drops Inuyasha to the ground. Inuyasha's pretty pissed by this point. He atacks Sesshoumaru and Sesshoumaru sends his whip thing after him. Right before he's to deliver the final blow, the nothing woman throws herself in front of Inuyasha, protecting him but getting destroyed in the process. Sesshoumaru lands expressionlessly several feet away and Kagome begins yelling at him. He looks at her but Myouga tells her not to oppose him since they'll get killed. Jaken is crawling on his hands and knees when Sesshoumaru calls for him. He brings back the staff of heads and offers it to Sessoumaru. Sesshoumaru takes the staff, drops the black pearl to the ground and puts the end of the staff on it. The old man's face starts laughing. The pearl glows purple then goes out but a portal opens to Sesshoumaru's right. He goes in along with Jaken. Myouga tells Inuyasha to hurry after him because Sesshoumaru will get the treasure. Inuyasha turns to Kagome to tell her to stay there because it's going to be dangerous, but Kagome is already halfway inside the portal. She tells him to hurry up and then disappears inside. Then he follows her. They arrive at the grave. A bird of bones picks them up and carries them to a giant skeleton that Inuyasha says is his father. Kagome is amazed at the size of it. Myouga tells her that Inuyasha's father was a taiyoukai (great youkai) who lived for a very long time. Sesshoumaru is after the enchanted blade inside. They go into the skeleton. Inside, Sesshoumaru is standing in front of a sword that is point up in a stone table of sorts. Sesshoumaru says that the blade is capable of destroying 100 youkai with one swing. Its name is Tetsusaiga. He puts his hand on the hilt of the blade as Jaken says that Tetsusaiga was made from the fang of Sesshoumaru's and Inuyasha's father. Sesshoumaru's tries to pul the sword free but electricity crackles all around his hand and he cannot wield the sword. That's when Inuyasha and Kagome arrive. Inuyasha attacks but Sesshoumaru easily dodges and Inuyasha ends up face down in the skulls that litter the floor of the grave. As Inuyasha is threatening Sesshoumaru, Myouga turns Inuyasha's attention to the Tetsusaiga. Myouga tells Inuyasha to pull it out, and then says that Sesshoumaru wasn't able to pull it out. Inuyasha claims he doesn't want it. Sesshoumaru asks if he's implying that Inuyasha will be able to and Myouga says yes sine the grave was hidden in Inuyasha's eye. Inuyasha doesn't want it. The two brothers fight. Sesshoumaru is much faster than Inuyasha since he's a full demon. Myouga tells Inuyasha to take the sword. Then Kagome yells down to Inuyasha to take the sword because if he pulls it out then Sesshoumaru will lose face. Inuyasha strolls over to Tetsusaiga as Sesshoumaru glares. Inuyasha puts his hand on the sword. There's no electricity but he's having trouble. A light shines from the stone table. *commercials* The light is getting brighter and Sesshoumaru's glare more heated. Then the light goes out, Jaken's jaw drops, and the sword is still in the table. Then Sesshoumaru attacks. He easily catches up to Inuyasha and then pins him against a wall of the grave. Hee takes his hand back and it begins to glow green. Then he thrusts it towards Inuyasha. Inuyasha dodges and the wall that was behind him melts. Its poison. Inuyasha runs and Sesshoumaru takes out his glowy whip thing. Inuyasha slides several feet and Jaken prepares to throw flames at him. But Kagome takes Jaken on. He pushes her back. As Inuyasha worries about Kagome he gets hit by the still-attacking Sesshoumaru. Kagome puts her hand on the hilt of Tetsusaiga to help herself stand up. Inuyasha is about to get it with the poison claws again. He springs forward but Sesshoumaru stops him with one hand. He then pushes him into the ground and is about to kill him. Kagome steps forward, still holding on to the sword, when it comes free. Shocked, Sesshoumaru stops his attack and turns back to look at Kagome. " slipped" she says innocently. Jaken, Inuyasha, and Sesshoumaru are utterly and completely shocked. ~*Episode 5. Aristocratic Assasin, Sesshomaru *~ (hope you guys like the summaries! i get it from another website!) A very handsome man who looks to be in his early twenties with long white hair, white clothing, armor, two traingular strips on either side of his face and a purple crescent moon that opens to the right on his forehead is looking up at the moon. Up close we see that he has pointed ears, much like an elf. A staff floats close to something that looks like a grave. Behind the staff runs a toad-like creature with huge yellow eyes. He calls the man "Lord Sesshoumaru" and tells the man that the staff has been pointing in this direction and that the grave has appeared before them. The toad man runs forward. From around the grave, wolves or dogs appear. The man called Sesshoumaru walks forward fearlessly with the toadman cowering behind him. The dogs are still growling and Sesshoumaru stops walking. Upon closer inspection we see that his eyelids are red and his eyes are amber...much like Inuyasha's. (Closer inspection involves him looking down at a dog) He says he wants the Fang...and with the Fang he can become stronger. He holds out his hand which has claws like Inuyasha's but unlike Inuyasha he also has two triangular stripes on his hand like the ones on his face. Anyway, he holds out his hand, pointing the index finger out, and his hand begins to glow a greenish color. He narrows his eyes and the dogs attack. Out of his pointed finger comes a cool glowly whip thing. He starts to spin around and around really really fast, the whip circling around him. When the dogs reach the glow whip thing, they get ripped to shreds. The bodies of the dogs are lying everywhere. Sesshoumaru calls the toadman Jaken, and tells him to bring the Staff of Heads. Jaken scrambles up the grave and clears a spot on the stone with his foot. Then he places the end of the staff on the stone. A woman's head on top of the staff rises, opens its eyes, and screams. When Jaken says that that must not be the grave they've been seeking, Sesshoumaru turns and walks away. Dogs are running through the night. One of them has a flea on its back. He's wondering who those two were and that they have to report the incident to Inuyasha as soon as possible. A bunch of soldiers are having a feast. Tomorrow they'll be able to join with the main force. Suddenly, the boss hears the screams of men. Three or four men that were surrounding Sesshoumaru fall to the ground, dead. The leader asks him who he is and all Sesshoumaru says is that he wants a boat. The boss laughs at him. Sesshoumaru replies with, "The boat...this is not a request." The boss rushes at him but Sesshoumaru is much faster. He grabs the boss by the neck and lifts him several feet off the ground, his eyes glowing an eerie red. The soldiers are frightened as Sesshoumaru throws the man, destroying one of the many boats. The soldiers raise their swords as Sesshoumaru looks out at the water, expressionlessly. Then Jaken's voice comes in. Jaken says that he couldn't find a boat around anywhere. Then he looks out at the water where there are plenty of boats. The soldiers realize that Sesshoumaru's not human. They begin to surround Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru tells Jaken to take care of it and then he walks away. Jaken lifts his staff of heads and the other head on the staff is of an old man. Its mouth opens and it breathes fire out at the soldiers. After he's done there's no trace of the soldiers left. He looks around for Sesshoumaru and then runs over to the direction Sesshoumaru left. Suddenly, the eyes of the old man's head in the staff begind to glow and the staff floats away, stops, and points the direction. Sesshoumaru and Jaken are in a boat. Jaken says that maybe Inuyasha would know the location of the grave. Without looking away from whatever Sesshoumaru was looking at, he swings his left arm backwards, knocking Jaken out of the boat. Then he holds the end of the staff of heads to Jaken's forehead and holds the toad underwater like that. "It is not a name I would like to recall" Sesshoumaru says, still not looking away. He reminds Jaken that Inuyasha is no longer alive because he was sealed fifty years ago. Jaken, desperately trying to hold his head above the water, gurgles out that he heard that Inuyasha's seal was recently broken. Then he points out that the staff's position changed so he though it might have something to do with Inuyasha being awake again. Sesshoumaru narrows his eyes. Kagome pulls herself out of the well, along with a bike. She basically recaps the story so far as she rides her bike toward the village. The flea we saw riding on the dog earlier is on the gravel path. He's been walking for three days so he decides to take a break on the path. He hears the ringing of a bell and looks up, wondering what that sound was. Then Kagome runs over him. She turns her head slightly, wondering if she had hit something, but then decides that it must have been her imagination. Inuyasha is lying on a branch in a tree as Kagome tries to get him to come down so she can treat his wounds. He doesn't want to because he says he doesn't need it but she insists, saying that he was badly hurt. She insists but he doesn't come down. "Sit!" Inuyasha's face becomes a magnet and the earth becomes a piece of metal. Kagome kneels down next to him with a first aid kit. Kaede is walking with a bunch of children around her. Kaede and the children talk and Kaede mentions that she wishes that Inuyasha and Kagome would get along better. "They look like they're getting along fine!" One of the children comments, pointing. Kagome is sitting on top of Inuyasha is a manner that looks very...very wrong. She's trying to get him to take his clothes off which just adds to the wrongness of the whole situation. Kaede stands in front of the children. "Don't look" Kagome and Inuyasha seem to realize what's going on when Inuyasha stands up, throwing Kagome off him. He pulls his shirt down, showing her his chest. It's completely healed. He's a hanyou so he heals faster. Suddenly Inuyasha looks down and sees a flea on his chest, sucking blood. Inuyasha seems to recognize the flea as Myouga. When Kagome hears that it's a flea, she grabs a can of bug spray and sprays it, only after realizing that perhaps she shouldn't have done so. At Kaede's hut, Myouga tells Inuyasha that someone tried to dig up his father's grave. Myouga tells Inuyasha that the place he was protecting only had the gravestone, but the actual grave was somewhere else. But where, he doesn't know. Inuyasha's father was a powerful dog demon in the Kyushu area but Inuyasha has no memories of him. Kagome asks about Inuyasha's mother and Myouga begins to say that she was a very beautiful woman, only to get stepped on by Inuyasha. Inuyasha angrily leaves the hut saying that his mother died a long time ago. Kagome wonders if she said anything wrong and Myouga tells her that Inuyasha always acts like that when someone asks him about his mother. Inuyasha is sitting out in the night up in a tree, an angry look on his face. Kagome rides her bike towards his tree. She realizes that since Inuyasha is a hanyou, his father was a demon so his mother must have been human. She wonders if he hates his mother because she was human. Suddenly, a strong wind begins to blow. Inuyasha jumps out of his tree and presses Kagome to the ground, telling her to get down. He asks her if she can't feel that evil aura. She looks up and in the sky, against the moon is a black carriage. Inside is a woman with chains all around her. Inuyasha stands up and walks forward a few steps. He recognizes the woman as his mother. The woman calls out to him but when she does, her chains tighten. A giant three-fingered hand reaches out of the clouds, grabs the carriage and begins to crush it. A pair of glowing red eyes appear and the huge demon shows itself. It's holding Inuyasha mother in its hand. Inuyasha jumps up to save his mother, but a ball of fire comes at him. He dodges it and another. Jaken lowers his staff of heads as Inuyasha lands on the ground. Sesshoumaru's voice sounds from the demon's shoulder. Sesshoumaru tells Jaken that he can kill Inuyasha after they've talked. Inuyasha recognizes Sesshoumaru. "Oh? So you do remember...the face of your older brother." *commercials* Kagome is surprised that Inuyasha has an older brother, and that he's right there before them. Sesshoumaru's eyes widen when he sees Kagome - but more specifically when he sees that she's a human. Kagome stands behind Inuyasha, slightly hiding herself from Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru says it's fitting that he's with a human, since he was born from one. The shame of the family. Sesshoumaru tells Inuyasha that he came to question him about their father's grave. Inuyasha doesn't know where it is. "Where one can see, but cannot be seen. The place where its own keeper cannot look upon." That is the clue of the location that Sesshoumaru has. Inuyasha tells him again that he doesn't know where it is and even if he did, he wouldn't tell him. Sesshoumaru tells him that his mother is going to have to suffer. The whip comes out of his fingers and he hits the demon he's standing on. Then the whip retracts and the demon squeezes Inuyasha's mother. Inuyasha yells at Sesshoumaru that his mother died a long time ago so he can't be tricked with that fake. Jaken informs Inuyasha that bringing a dead soul back from the realm of the other world is a simple thing for Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha is she's not a fake? His mother weakly tells him that it's alright, because she's died once already. Inuyasha rushes forward and cuts off the hand of the demon using his claws. Kagome runs to his mother's side and Inuyasha tells her to run away with her. But Sesshoumaru won't let them get away. The whip thing reappears and he whips the demon again. The demon reaches for Inuyasha, Kagome, and Inuyasha's mother. Inuyasha jumps forward and gets him by the demon from behind. A glowing orb appears in Inuyasha's mother's hands and gets bigger, engulfing her, Kagome, and Inuyasha. There's a flash of light so bright that even Sesshoumaru has to cover his eyes with the sleeve of his clothing. Inuyasha, Kagome, and Inuyasha's mother are gone. Jaken says that things are going fine and Sesshoumaru should leave the rest to him. Sesshoumaru tells him that if he fails this time, he will kill him. Jaken is scared but he says he understands. Inuyasha is lying on the grass at some really misty place. Kagome is lying next to him. There's a pond with lily pads and it's really pretty there. Inuyasha wonders where he is and his mother steps forward, telling him that it is the boundary between the mortal world and the world of the dead. She will go to the world of the dead from there. His mother walks away and Inuyasha follows her, leaving Kagome behind. Apparently Inuyasha's mother died when he was just a kid. She apologizes for leaving him all alone. Kagome opens her eyes and sees Inuyasha talking to his mother a little bit away. But she can't move. She looks into the pond at the reflections of Inuyasha and his mother and her eyes get wide. The reflection of Inuyasha's mother has no face. She tries to yell out to Inuyasha but her voice won't come out. She desperately tries to will Inuyasha to realize that that woman's face has no reflection, and that she's not really his mother.

Posted by anime6/inuyashaforest at 9:57 PM EDT
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