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Inuyasha Pics

Kagome Pics

Sango Pics

Miroku Pics


I don't know about you, but I am insane about Inuyasha! Whoo-Hoo! Na-na-na-na-na! Lo-Lu! Waaaaa! Whoo-Hoo! ..........See? Well, I am assuming that you like Inuyasha, because, well, YOU CAME TO THIS SITE! Lol. Well if you look below, I have some news and info on the show. Well actually I don't have any of that, cuz I haven't typed it up yet.-_- I guess I'm just lazy....All that stuff is COMING SOON!




Your Sesshoumaru! you are calm and collected and
you don't show any emotion at all. But inside
we all know you are a softy, it's just a matter
of showing it to everyone else. Be open once in
a while and maybe even date one of your many

What Inuyasha Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla What Inuyasha Villain Are You? CWINDOWSDesktopPirates.JPG
Pirates of the Caribbean!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla Info Black
Your Heart is Black

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla Redneck Bear
Redneck Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla kiss my ass2
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla asshole
your asshole.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Hecate

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x8aa7918)

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla Moon Secrets
You are the Secretive Mermaid. Perpetual beauty
that longs for legs to walk by the side of men.
You spend your time gazing at the stars and
whispering to the moon. You have little to no
freinds that breathe. Your freinds all missing.
You are sweet as syryp and kind as cake. There
are a handful of people and mermaids like you.
Would you rate my quiz I will keep it a secret?

What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla Long-wang ~ The Dragon
You are Long-wang! Mythological Background: Yes, the dragon represents
everything you think of when you think of a
dragon - fearsome and invincible. Also, it is
greatly respected just because of that fact.
The dragon has a very protective aspect to it.
Even Jupiter reminds you of intense smashing
power. The dragon is almost always surrounded
by rain-bearing clouds and fog; and the
appearance of its constellation always signals
rainfall and lightning. It's also a symbol of
authority worn by the nobility and the imperial
class. Japanese Name: Seiryuu.

Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla LOTR:TT
You should be in the Lord Of The Rings! Way To Go!

What XBOX Game Do You Belong In?
brought to you by Quizilla Naraku
Your best suited for being with (I hope you weren't
serious) Naraku. Hey, if you like being with
the evil type, then your set, but , if not,
then you had better re-take the quiz.

"What InuYasha Character are You Best Suited With?[for girls]"(with pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla Night2
Your color is Aoi (blue)!

"What Color Represents You?"[with anime images]
brought to you by Quizilla sesshoumaru pic
congratulations!you are most likely to be with
sesshoumaru!A.K.A fluffy!^^ hes silent and
mysterious almost all the time but once you
start working his cold heart into a warm one
he'll be the ideal guy for you.^.~

which inuyasha right for you?(for girls only and,it includes nice pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla The Full demon Sesshomaru
Your Inu Yasha's half brother, and hotter, and
full demon Sesshomaru. He is a full dog
demon... and is trying to steal Inu's sword, the tetsaiga,
which has the ability to kill a 100 demons in 1
swipe. Also forged from their fathers fang.
While his sword, the tensaiga, can save 100
lives in one swipe. His father did that to keep
from them actually killing each other. His
comrades include Jaken, and Rin. And he loves
Rin in a FATHER like way, not love love.

Which Inu Yasha character are you???
brought to you by Quizilla Bankotsu
You are Bankotsu!

Which member of the Shinchinintai are you? (Inuyasha)
brought to you by Quizilla So goth you're dead!
You are every goth-kids dream!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Death, the second of The Endless, you are responsible for ending all lives and taking them to your realm, from which no one ever returns. You are bright, positive, happy, optimistic%2
Death, the second of The Endless, you are
responsible for ending all lives and taking
them to your realm, from which no one ever
returns. You are bright, positive, happy,
optimistic and enjoy everything about life, but
that does not mean your silly or stupid. You
can lay the smack down when you have to!
Everyone loves you, and they don't know why.

Which Endless are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Your a Rose. Your beutiful, gracefull, elegant, and your quite popular in the flower world
What kind of flower are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Your: Cool kitten. Your super cool, cute and popular. your sweet on the guys and totally into fashion. You are naturally a perfectionist and are very artisitc.
Your: Cool kitten. Your super cool, cute and
popular. your sweet on the guys and totally
into fashion. You are naturally a perfectionist
and are very artisitc.

What kind of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Out-doors: You like the outdoors, your more qiet and conserved, you like poeple, but you feel closer to nature at times.
Out-doors: You like the outdoors, your more quiet
and conserved, you like poeple, but you feel
closer to nature at times.

What environment do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x8913f64)
You are: Black Crayon

What color crayon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x894071c)
Chicken Soup! Cool!

The Soup Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Who's Your Anime Boyfriend? Dark
<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )

brought to you by Quizilla
Kisa (Year of the Tiger)

Which Fruits Basket character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla You Are Loss
You are Loss. Your life defines tragedy. You have experienced
great hardships on an unimaginable scale and it
has jaded your view of life.

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Season are you?
You are Daidouji Tomoyo!

Which Card Captor Sakura character are you? (Sakura, Tomoyo, Yukito, Touya, Shaoran, Meilin or Kero)
brought to you by Quizilla You represent... hope.
You represent... hope. You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless
romantic. You enjoy being creative and don't
mind being alone at times. You have goals, and
know what you want in life... even if they are
a little far fetched.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x885cacc)
FIRE is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You? -- Updated (7/21/03)
brought to you by Quizilla

You prize nobility above all else, striving to be reunited with your prince. Apart from this, you treasure your friendships most of all. Unwilling to compromise your values in search of your dreams, you often seem to create more trouble than solve it. However, your persistence is what sets you apart from all others.

Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz HASH(0x8893824)
Guys just cold and wicked you can be!

What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3)
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x8c1e17c)
What's Your Outlook on Life?

brought to you by Quizilla depressedanime
Depressed Anime Eyes : You dont smile alot and tend
to hang on your own. You know you can deal with
life, but not everyone else is so sure...

What are your anime eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla MoonGoddess
Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange
darkness and sadness lurk about you.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
Which yu yu hakusho boy is right for you?

brought to you by Quizilla

What Natural Disaster are you? Take the quiz!

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz.