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Term of Use

**Look, your tried, I'm tried, so let's just do us both a favor and agree to this? It's pretty simple really, nothing hard.** 

1) Don't  Don't  Don't  Don't  Don't jack my codes =_= just ask for them okie? There's like a million ways you can get in contact with me. [myspace, e-mail, aim, yim, IMVU, or xanga] (i got the don't don't dont idea from Yoru)

2) You don't have to link back to me. I don't care about all that 'link back to me or else I will shut down my layout website' thing.(oh, by the way, the link at the bottom is a fake. The real one is the O in 'keep going')

3) Don't take my layouts and claim them as yours. That's rude. That's also being ungreatful! >=[

4) I don't take requests. I make better layouts when I make them the way I want to.

5) Now that u read everything, go ahead. =] Scroll down














scroll :D












keep going




























































































almost there

















Click here to go to the layout website!! YAY!!