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My films, music and other stuff
About me | Films and TV Series | Music | Anime | Fan Fiction | Forum | Links


This is my site...not much to look at really. More will be added as time goes on so thanks for visiting. You are welcome to hang around and check stuff out. I will be happy to hear what you have to say about my site and its contents so if you have any comments, criticisms or contributions just e-mail me at the address at the bottom of the page. Thanks!


Firstly, happy new year! I wish you all a happy and prosperous 2005. Secondly, the forum is reinstalled and up and running. The rest of the site will begin to move over to my new hosting in the next few weeks. Until then, check here for updates.

Well, the forum is officially gone now, but hopefully it will be reborn on my new site at, which should be the eventual home of everything currently accessible here. watch this space...

I know it's been a while since my last update, but I have added a load of film reviews and changed the format to my anime and film & TV homepages. The seventh chapter of my Evangelion fanfic is now complete and ready to access. Enjoy!

I've added a couple of reviews to my anime films section, and the forum seems to be working fine. There may be a bit of a wait for a confirmation e-mail after you register though.

The forum is officially up and running, so clicking on the 'forum' link above will take you straight there. A word of warning though - if you are an AOL user you may have problems with logging in; this is something I'm having problems with myself, so if anyone knows about cookies and other related stuff, feel free to e-mail me so I can get into my own forum to moderate it.

Well, it's 4am so maybe the date should be 09/11/2004, but anyway...I have FINALLY managed to install the forum!!! That's the good news. The bad news is, I haven't figured out how to get it up and running. Hopefully the fresh light of morning will see, I keep my promises! ^_^

Reviews, reviews, reviews! I've added a load more reviews to the anime, film & TV and music sections, and out of sheer boredom I've messed around with the colours of my pages. My first Green Day album review has a green background and my 'Interview with the Vampire' review is written in a crimson font. stylish, eh? Not that anyone actually visits or anything...

Well, it's halloween and I've given the whole site a bit of an overhaul in terms of presentation. Just altering fonts and colours, stuff like that. Evangelion has its own page, and I'm working on the links.

Not much to say really. I've added another page to my guitar gear section but I'm far from happy with it. I'm still working on getting this whole site moved.

Well, I have added another review to my 'top CDs' section, and another review disappeared mysteriously without trace. Also, if anyone knows how to download the phpBB message board package to my site I'd be most grateful.

They say every cloud has a silver lining...I've taken advantage of the fact that an annoying cold rendered me housebound last weekend by making a shedload of alterations. The Evangelion fanfic chapters are now in a clearer format and involve a less convoluted series of links to get there. I'm also converting every page to the 'advanced' editor, which should hopefully make it look a bit more professional. I still can't believe I was too ill to go to Ritual last Friday...

Well, I've added chapter 5 to my Evangelion fan fiction story, and this page is now in 'advanced' format. Another 'top CD' review has been added, courtesy of a friend of mine who goes by the username of Avalon Haze. Cheers man ^_^ Progress is slow, but good things come to those who wait...

I'm trying to have the same format applied to all pages to neaten things up a bit and make the whole thing look a little more slick and professional. Some of the review pages are in html (advanced) format using the templates available from the angelfire site, and I'll try to make all of my pages in the 'advanced' format as soon as I can teach myself how to make a link in an html page.

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