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Welcome to version 2.0 ... A.K.A 'Strawberry Mix' Why? I have no clue... First off all this site consists of is pictures I've drawn with some story info and bios... wow exciting isn't it?... *cricket chirps*
Please excuse the super annoying banners... I'm cheap I have better things to waste my money on...

July Something- I finally updated... Last time I ever touched the site was March... I was gettin' kinda tired of the monthly theme... blech... So the current layout is pretty much the last... unless I'm feeling really ambitious... (yeah right) For anyone who actually ever visited (nobody) I've completely re-done or deleted most of the pages. Enjoy.

August 24th- Ok so no real pages are up yet... I just needed to post This page (which is gone now)It's for my own gain nothing exciting... ^_^ Oh! BTW I'm creating a new mascot for the site! expect that someday!

September 1st- Wow I'm too good... I got most if not all of the pages posted... and the new mascot is drawn! I haven't actually applied her to anything yet... ^_^

Meet Inu-Kun!

Oh and in a couple of weeks I'll be posting the AnimeIowa2005 pictures! either here or on DeviantArt or somethin' ... dunno...

September...- The AI pics are at, I've updated a few pages and I've decided if AI has a mascot contest next year I'm entering Kudos! (See the Suna section).

Affiliate: Ribi-Chan's Anime-tion Studio

If you liked this site! *LOL* Check out Ribi-Chan's! ^_^