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Welcome to Darkness rose!^-^

why the name?

Howdy Hi Hi! welcome to Darkness Rose, a web about anime,video games, rock, you name it!please make your slef at home!kupo!^-^dont worrie about me!i'm here to hear everyones voice and make them happy!so don't be shy(like I am)and enjoy my 1st website!^-^

My Favorite Web Sites!^-^i'm telling ya theses rock!

funny,and good stuff ^-^
i make my own quizes, you can too its free! and its a good website!^-^
a good web site of kingdom hearts and the up coming KH2!so if you wanna see more info on KH2 well go to this one, a great place to start!^-^
this is the best website that has all the info on FMA, you can also join in it too! Go Edward!^-^
my fav britis rock band website, their very good i love em.I cant wait for the 4th Harry Potter movie to come out!thier gonna be in it!YAY!
a site that tells you about alchemy, i'm studying alchemy rigth now!^-^
a site with alot of cool anime pics, you love it!^-^
