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X-men Evolution


Here are the other X-men couples i like...these couple are from Evolution. First up...


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Jonda's is the pairning of St. John Allerdyce (AKA Pyro) and Wanda Maximoff (AKA the Scarlet Witch), they are not an official couple in Evo but they should be considering how many Insane fans they have hehehe...


There are many arguments on reasons why these two should get together

If you have anything you would like to add as to why Jonda rocks and should get together or why Amyro should never happen please feel free to contact me and I'll add your reasons.

Anyway John and Wanda would be really cute...if you don't agree then i don't know why you're even reading this...

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X-ietro is the pairing of Pietro Maximoff (AKA Quicksilver) and X-23, Wolverine's female clone. This pairing is strictly in my head also lol. They NEVER EVEN MEET...but they are one of my favorite's anyway. The fan base of these two probably isn't very big...but I think it's okay to say i'm like the president of the fanbase lol...that's what I get for being obsessed. Anyhoo I think these two should get together cause...

If you'd like to add anything please tell me ~_^

And that's why I like X-ietro lol. Even if they've never met or will ever meet, They'll still be cute in my mind ^_^


Lance and Kitty, I think there was a point when at least everyone who watched Evo though these two were cute lol, even if it was just for a second. I think it's okay to say they did become an official couple of the X-men in Evo even though they weren't said to be Girlfriend/Boyfriend. They did what most teenage couples do, talk on the phone for hours, go to dances, worry about each other, and have the occasional fights.

Evidence that proves that Lance and Kitty had feelings for each other and that they were super cute are...


And that's Lancitty...all the sweet times. I think these two prove that you can be together even if you are on the opposite sides. Sometimes following your hears is better than following your head.




Disclamer: The charcters from the X-men and X-men Evolution belongs to Marvel and the WB, they don't belong to me.