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Rurouni Kenshin

I love Rurouni Kenshin, the good guys are all CUTE! to bad their fiction lol. Anyhoo my fave pairings when it comes to this anime are the Classic Kenshin and Kaoru, the sweetness that is Misao and Aoshi and the stubbornness of Megumi & Sano ^_^


Aoshi & Misao
Kenshin & Kaoru
Sanosuke & Megumi

The Story- In the Meji era everything things once again peaceful, but in order for that peace there was a great battle, the revolution. That was a time for fighting, killing, manslayers, and innocent people dying. One of the man most well known during the time was The Battosai. He killed a lot of people because of his belief but at the end of the revolution he vowed never to kill again. Ten years have past and everything is in peace. Even though there's a lot of peace people try mess it up and bring chaos back into the Meji era. Kenshin Himura is one man that tries to keep things peaceful and he accopmlisheds a lot. Rurouni Kenshin is basically all about that, someone does soemthing evil and Kenshin stops them ^_^


Kenshin & Kaoru

Kenshin- Cute, strong and very loving, along with kinda clumsy and some what a scary cat. That's what Kenshin is. He stands up for the innocent people that can't stand up for themselves, but sometimes he'll run so he won't hurt people. Like when he was on the way to Kyoto and the police officer saw him with the sword and he started running like if he was criminal heheh, that was funny. Anyhoo, Kenshin was a manslayer before in the revolution but after an incident that happened to a person he really cared about he gave up killing and he's sword turned to a reverse blade sword, therefore his sword could hurt people but never kill them. After the revolution Kenshin left and wandered around for 10 years, then one day he met a pretty lil girl named Karou. He helped her clear the name of her fighting style and somehow wound up staying with her at her dojo. Kenshin then made friends with a lot of other people (Sano, Megumi, Yahiko...) and he always saves them, especially Karou (cause the bad guys are always going after her knowing that she's kenshin's weakness ~_^).

Kaoru- Kaoru is caring, loud and very tough. People like Yahiko and others like teasing her by tell her she's ugly or that she looks like a raccon. She's very short tempered and can be pretty pushy. She's horrible at cooking, she's owns the Kamiya Dojo since her father passed away. She is the master of Kamiya Kashin Ryu (a technique that makes a sword use as a non-killing weapon for protection). She really cares about Kenshin and worries over him a lot. She's a sweet person even thought she can get violent (especially with kenshin)

There are many hints that prove Kaoru & Kenshin are meant to be. The biggest being...oh I dunno...they fact that they get married and have a cute baby boy named Kenji who looks A LOT like Kenshin. But there were also many things that pointed out that the relationship between Karou & Kenshin was strong...i won't point them all out since there's a ton but here are some...

There were a lot more hints, but just watch the anime lol. There's like a cute scene in all the eps. ^_^ Anyhoo Kaoru and Kenshin, the fisrt ship in RK that seemed obvious and official ~_^

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Aoshi & Misao

Aoshi- Cold, silent, mysterious, extremely fine...Aoshi Shinomori. Aoshi was the leader of the Oniwaban, who were a group of fighters. They're also good spys, they didn't get to participate in the revolution and that's what Aoshi wants to prove that the Oniwaban had what it took ti become the best of the Revolution if they had fought. He somehow ends up working for Kanrayou and his bodyguard and meets Kenshin when the Kenshin-gumi tries saving Megumi. During that battle Kanrrayu gets upset that Aoshi has no respect for him and decides to get rid of him by using a gattling gun but Aoshi's loyal followers get in between the cross fire and save their leader but die in the process. This hurt Aoshi very badly and made him a bit crazy. He then turns way colder and wants to fight and kill Kenshin to prove that he is the best. This doesn't happen until Shishio tries talking over Japan, there Kenshin and Aoshi meet because Kenshin promised Misao that he would bring Aoshi out of his craziness and take him to the Aoyia. At first Kenshin is losing the fight but a while after getting beat he tries telling Aoshi to 'wake up'. That he shouldn't blame his fallen comrades about all the bad things he has done now. This only angers Aoshi more, what wakes him up is when Kenshin tells him that Misao is crying because she has little hope that he will come back. Aoshi snaps out of his craze to kill Kenshin and they have a fair fight in which he loses. He later recovers a bit an dtries to stall time for Kenshin while fighting Shishio. Late the battle is won and like Kenshin promised Misao, he returned to the Aoyia.


Misao- Misao is the grand daughter of the original Oniwaban leader. When he died she was left in Okina and the rest of the Oniwaban team. She grew up trusting and loving Aoshi. She started training at a young age thanks Hanya, Aoshi's right hand man. She was asleep when Aoshi left her at the tender age of eight. When she was older she went off on her own looking for him and the other Oniwaban members. When she was sixteen she met the one person that would link her to Aoshi and giver hope of finding him, Kenshin Himura. Misao followed Kenshin telling him that she would follow him forever until he told her what he knew about Aoshi. Later she and Kenshin became friends and helped fight the terror that was going to happen thanks to Shishio. By sticking with Kenshin though she did get to manage what she wanted, which was to find Aoshi. She unfourtinitly also found out that the members of the oNiwaban died. When Misao first sees Aoshi again, he's fighting with Okina and she was to late because seconds afterward Okina falls meaning he lost. Misao is devastated. the men she loves vs. the man that brought her up (grandfather). She asks Aoshi "why" and he answers with he never wants to see her face again and he givers her a message to give to Kenshin. Misao is then left heartbroken, later while she is with Okina, taking care of him, she declares herself the new leader on the Oniwaban and that they would help Kenshin even if theu had to fight Aoshi Shinomori. She was putting up a strong face which fell quickly once Okina awoke and asked Kenshin to kill Aoshi, since that might be the only way to save him. At hearing this Misao was scared and sad, she then broke down when Kenshin said that he would save Aoshi, not by killing him but by bringing him back to the Aoyia, where he belonged. When Kenshin does come back from the fight with shishio, Aoshi does the honorable thing and does come back, which makes Misao very happy. Misao is very caring, she's sweet and quite perky. She's stubborn, and very temperamental, but very cute and loveable.

These two are just great for each other, even with a ten year difference ^_^'''...why though? Well...because...

See????????? Aren't these two just meant to be? Well I think so. They would be so cute and it's obvious they care about each other. Some couples just need a little more time to realize it, but i think that by episode 89 Aoshi isn't so blind ^_^ And that's that for Aoshi & of the cutest couples ever ^_^


(siggy by me)

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Sanosuke & Megumi

I think Sano and Megumi would be one of the cutest couples ever. They're so stubborn when it comes to each other and that's one of the things that make them look real cute and as if they would really get together.

Sano- Strong, stubborn, determined, and incredibly sexy (~_^) would describe Sanosuke Sagara perfectly. He's a very loyal friend and is very helpful, unless the matter has to do with money. Sano has a huge debt in the Akabeko and he lives in Kaoru's dojo for free. He likes to gamble and fight. There's a symbol on the back of his gi that reads BAD in Japanese, he wore it after his role model, Captain Souzou Sagara was killed and his head shown out to the public by the imperil army as an example to any that would stand in thier way. He has a great dislike for the government and for Hijame Saito, Kenshins arch rival. He's becomes good friends with Kenshin and sticks with the Kenshin-Gumi. He gets the nickname Rosterhead (by megumi) and Broomhead (by cho of the jupongattan).

Megumi- Megumi Takani, nicknamed "Fox" by Sano had a very bad past. Her family died in a fire leaving her all alone, she was forced to make drugs for a guy name Kanrau and was guarded by Aoshi Shinomori and others of the Oniwaban. She was able to escape and bumped into Kenshin and sano while they were gamboling. She went to Kamiya Dojo with Kenshin but was followed by Oniwaban members who then posioned Yahiko while trying to get her. She helped cure him but then her secret was discovered (the making drugs thing). Kenshin and Kaoru didn't have a big problem with it since she ws being forced, they wanted to help but Megumi left the dojo when Kannrau threatened to hurt the Kenshin-gumi if she didn't return to him and making the drugs. She left but was rescued by Sano when she was about to take away her life. After all that happens she gets her own place and works as a doctor and she's a good friend with the Kenshin-gumi, she flirts with Kenshin and gets Kaoru jealous ^_^

I love the idea of these two getting together, it just fits. Plus it's obvious that Kenshin loves Kaoru so nothing could ever happen between him and Megumi, so she's gotta move on. Who better to move off to then the cute Zanza? The idea of these two isn't crazy, they have lots of fans and not only that but there are also hints in the anime of them having a soft spot for each other.

Clues that show they care...

Anyone have something to add? Lol.

Anyhoo, yup. I love Megumi and Sano together, they'd just make a great couple and they have obvious chemistry, to bad it doesn't happen though. But it's ok, they're are many fans who love them and will keep loving them ~_^


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Rurouni Kenshin and Characters from the anime and manga (Samurai X) don't belong to me. They're property of ______ and Cartoon Network. I'm in no way making profit from them or this site.