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DragonBall /Z/ GT

On of the longest Anime ever with DragonBall, DragonBall Z and DragonBall GT, this anime has a lot of couples I like, even though some of them are just a fragment of my imagination ~_^

Goku & Chichi
Gohan & Videl
Goten & Bra
Truncks & Pan
Vegita & Bulma

Goku & ChiChi

Not only are these two one of the cutest couples during the DB series but Goku and ChiChi are also the longest relationship.

ChiChi of course first fell for Goku when she was just a lil gurl and when she was looking for a boyfriend. It was funny really, Goku asked her if she was going to find a boyfriend looking like that, she was wearing this...

Awww, the cuties. Goku had no idea what was in store for him after meeting the innocent little ChiChi. She showed obvious intrest in him of course Goku's very dense lol. Anyway he kind of promised ChiChi that he would Marry her but then went and spent a log time with Kami. When he went back down to earth (since he was on Kami's Look out) he did it to compete in the Martial Arts tournament to proetct the world from Piccolo. Before he fought with him though, he fought a young women going by the name Anonymous. The girl was very angry at Goku and was giving him her all (trying badly to kick his booty). Goku was curious and asked her why she seemed so angry and she told him that she couldn't believe he could n't remember what he promised her. She told him that the only way she would tell him what the promise was, was for him to beat her. Which he did...very very easily lol. Without even touching her! She was a good fighter...he was just way out there lol.

Anyway after he beat her she told him that what he promised her was that he would marry her. Goku freaked out when Krillian and Yamncha told him what it was and asked 'Anonymous' if he was conscience when he told her that LOL. Master Roshi then decided to tell everyone who she was and he told them it was...dun dun dun...CHICHI! Goku tells Chichi that he didn't know what he meant to 'get married' and then Chichi got sad and asked if he didn't mean to tell her he was going to Marry her. He said yes but then asked her if she would Marry HIM!

AWWWWWWWW! She said yes and then after the tournament they went to Chichi's village to tell her dad but then there was that big fire was about to destroy the dress which was inside the castle. So Chichi and Goku went off looking for a magic fan that was the only thing that would stop the fire. They got the fan, they got married and then started DBZ.

In DBZ Goku & Chichi had already had Gohan. Chichi is of course the worried wife that wants her boy to be a good student and Goku's the one who wants to teach him to fight. She's very hot tempered, Goku isn't scared of any of his enemies lol, but I think its safe to say he fears Chi Chi a bit.

Chichi worries about Goku every time he runs off but there's not much she can do to stop him. I think the fact that she doesn't leave him after all the times he does that shows that she really does love him. She puts up with a lot of his bad habits, she even loves him when he's about 4 feet tall (DBGT). We know he loves her cause he's told her so (awwww, I thought that ep was sweet, when he comes back from the dead and she cries and he tells her it's ok, that he's back and that he loves her...AW AW AW) and plus he's given her two cute kids hehehe.

Goku and that has gone on through decades, and still remains strong even when they are apart.

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Gohan & Videl

Aww, the couple that was a lil difficult to get together beacause it looked like Videl didn't like Gohan that much. But of course we knew they were going to get together because you always blackmail the ones you love...heheh.

Gohan and Videl first met when Gohan started going to Orange Star High School. Before his first class he turned super sajian to bring down some guys that were robbing a store (or bank...i forgot heheh). Not even t0 minutes later everyone was talking about the "gold fighter". Videl, who Gohan found out was Hercule's daughter, was the hero of the city. She fought crime and kicked major butt so she was definiitly interested in finding out who this new 'hero' was, especially after he saved her life.

Videl was very suspicious of Gohan and there were many close calls when she almost found out that he was the "Great Saiyaman". She didn't find out until one day, where Videl thought he was a dragon stealer becauise Gohan was trying to save a baby dragon from an evil guy who wanted to use the baby in a circus. Videl started fighting him and when she realized what was really happening the baby's parents came to get him and were about to attack Gohan and Videl. Since Gohan knew the dragons he yelled out to them "It's Me GO..." he then stopped noticing Videl was looking very interested in what he was going to say. The Great Saiyaman later then got a scratch on his cheek, the next day in school Videl noticed that Gohan had a scratch in the same excat spot. She obviously knew he was Saiyaman and promised not to tell anyone if he taught her how to fly. (Videl now knows that Gohan is the Great Saiyaman but she doesn't know he's the gold fighter).

Gohan wanted his secret to keep being a secret so he did teach Videl how to fly. They both entered the martial arts tournament an that's when Videl realized he was the gold fighter. Gohan was forced to show his super Saiyan powers. Not only did Videl realize that but she also realized the feelings she had for Gohan when he went to see her (after she got her butt whipped) to give her a senzu bean. She didn't say she loved him until he was facing Majin Buu and while she was on kami's lookout. Everyone was saying that he was dead (when he was really with the supreme kai) but she knew in her heart that he was alive and she told the others, basically shouting out her feelings for him.


At the end of DBZ, Gohan and Videl had already gotten married and already had Pan who was about 2 years old. In DBGT, they are still together and probably still close considering that Videl noticed how strangely he was acting when he got taken over by Baby.

An obvious and cute couple of DBZ...and it only took a little black mail to make them both realize their feelings ^_^ Isn't black mail great?

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Goten & Bra

A couple that didn't happen but would have been oohh so very adorable. Okay so there's a bit of an age difference but does love reallly matter in the game of love? I think not ^_^

Bra and Goten are just took cute together. Plus they share a lot of similarities ~_^

* They are both half Saiyans

* Thier fathers are the best fighters in the world

* They are the youngest in there families (making them the most watched by their parents)

*It'd be like Romeo and Juliet because of Vegita's grudge on Goku, and nothing is more romantic that Romeo and Juliet right?

* They would balance each other out. Calm, dense Goten with Party gurl Bra.

*Cause they would be super cute together ~_^


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Trunks & Pan

Another Couple that really didn't happen, but actually this one isn't so weird. Pan and Trunks did spend a lot of time together and even though the age difference is quite large it's still a good couple ^_^

Trunks and Pan spent a lot of time together in GT because they went off looking for the dragon balls. Hmmm, all i can really say about these two is I think they would be super cute together and that they would balance each other nicely. Pan is the adventurous, likes to get into trouble girl and Trunks seems like a resbonsible guy. ~_^

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Vegeta & Bulma

The couple that surprised us all, well, i dunno about all of us but it did surprise me. What can i say I thought forsure it was gonna be Bulma and Yamncha.

I actually couldn't say why I loved these two so i asked my good friend Scarlet Sapphire, who loves these two togeteher to give me her opinion, and here it is ~_^

"the way they started was sooo cute...he was the "bad guy" and she was terrifed of him...but over time they began to grow on each other and eventually fell in love depsite their differences. Bulma was a little too innocent and Vegeta can help her discover the world...Vegeta was too evil and Bulma can help warm his heart. they're just so perfect for each other!"

And there you have it ^_^ why Vegita and Bulma should be together and why they are sooo fraeken cute ~_^"

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Disclaimer: Dragon Ball /z/ GT belongs to Akira Toriyama/Bird Studio, Shueisha and TOEI Animation. They don't belong to me and iIam in no way making a profit of this site.