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From Different Worlds

Ok, well I've decided to call this page the couples from different worlds, basically because of the fact a person in these ships are like polar opposites to the person i'm pairing them with or they REALLY are from different worlds. The four couples I'm going to talk about on this page aren't only from 'Different Worlds' but also from different anime, and they are: Vash & Meryl (Trigun), Millie & Wolfwood (Trigun), Tsukasa & Subaru (.hack//) and the unusual pairing of Yusuke & Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho).

Vash & Meryl
Millie & Wolfwood
Subaru and Tsukasa
Yusuke & Botan

Vash & Meryl

Awww, I though Meryl and Vash would be soo cute together. There was cute moments and there was chemistry between them. ^_^

Vash- Is such a cutie. He's a very lovable person who doesn't like to kill or see people get hurt. He uses his gun to protect people and doesn't kill. He's not human, he's an Alien Plant (or something like that lol). He has a brother named Knives who loves to torture him and who kills someone that was very close to Vash, Rem Saverem. Vash usually always has a smile on his face, but a lot of the time it's a forced one. He loves doughnuts and acts really goofy which just makes him cuter ~_^

Meryl- Is a very strong independent girl. She tries hiding her feelings but when they are seen it makes her seem really sweet. She cares a lot about her job, and through have of the series is in denial about the feelings she may have for Vash. She has somewhat of a short temper, but she's really caring.

In the series Meryl's feelings were the obvious ones ^_^ Whether she was showing them by trying to deny them or thinking about him. Here are a couple of hints I found while watching. that made me believe they would have been great together ^_^

Isn't it sweet? Well I think so and plus, they look great together ~_^ And the reason these two are on this page is cause...they really are from different worlds lol. So anyhoo GO Vash & Meryl.

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Millie & Wolfwood

Millie and Nicholas had immediate chemistry...I thought it was so sad that he died...and right when they were getting so close ;_; Love Hurts don't it?

Nicholas D. Wolfwood- He's a priest...who happens to smoke, drink and fire a gun ^_^''' He meets Vash and the get a long great! But he's a very different person then Vash, he's willing to kill and he's lived a bad past (he was an orphan). By the end of the series Wolfwood does become a lil more like Vash, unfortunitely he does die.

Millie Thompson- Millie is a pretty happy girl. She likes to drink and have a good time. She seems kinda clueless, but she's actually pretty bright and even knew Vash was the real Vash the Stampede before Meryl. She has a big family and she's very sweet and caring.

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Tsukasa & Subaru

Unfortunetly I didn't get to see the whole series of this .hack//...I have seen the all the eps of the Twilight Bracelet though ^_^'''' But anyhoo...Tsukasa & Subaru...aren't they cute?

Like I've said, I actually didn't see all the episodes of this season of .hack// I honestly didn't even see interaction between Subaru and Tsukasa, but the reason I wanted to watch the anime was to see if anything would happen between them (but before i could see it got taken off tv ;_;). I didn't get to see it but i have read and seen pics of things ^_^ I know this couple actually do get together even though the both are actually girls in the 'real world'. Anyhoo here are some brief hints I've found ^_^

And there you have it ^_^ They do a lot of bonding and I'm soooo jealous I only saw up to ep 6 or something like that. Anyhoo soon I hope to buy the whole collection and die of cuteness with all their fluffiness ~_^

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Botan & Yusuke

Yeah I know...WHAT AM I SMOKING? Will you beleive me if i say nothing? anyhoo Botan and Yusuke, probably the least liked ship of Yu Yu Hakusho. But I love em so DEAL!

I'm not gonna say much here cause...well lets face's never gonna happen. No matter how bad I may want it to. Yusuke is happy with Keiko (DIE!) and Botan is single up to where I know. The reason I liked these together is cause I thought they had good chemistry together and they act really cute together, getting on each others nervous and all. And there's just cute moments with them like when Yusuke first met her, he told Botan that the grim reaper couldn't be a pretty girl like her. Or when she gave him one of the detective devices and she told him it could even see through clothes, what does he do? He tries out on her LOL (that perv xD). Also Botan acts like a girlfriedn, she worries about him while he's off fighting, she's happy when she sees him and she nags and lectures him like all girlfriends do I also just believe that they would look adorable together ^_^ I've actually heard they've gotten together in a dream episode (or something like that) so HA! Lol. The reason they're on the Different worlds page is of course...cause they are. Yusuke is from earth (alive and well) and Botan is from Spirit World ^_^ And that's my two cents on this ship...Love it or hate it? Doesn't really matter cause I Like em ~_^

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Disclamier: .hack//SIGN was created by Bee Train, Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi, and Trigun belongs to Yasuhiro Nightow, they don't belong to me and I am in now way making a profit off this site.