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Chemistry Couples

Okay, I've decided to call the page the Chemistry Couples cause I think these pairings, which didn't get together had chemistry. On this page I will talk about four couples from different action packed animes ^_^ Spike & Faye (Cowboy Bebop), Amon & Robin (Witch Hunter Robin), Sakaki & Doujima (WHR), and Mugen & Fuu (Samurai Champloo).

Spike & Faye
Amon & Robin
Sakaki & Doujima
Mugen & Fuu

Faye & Spike

I love these two, even if nothing ever happened! They would have just been too cute! I mean they fought all the time and it was just CUTE lol.

Spike- He's stubborn, loves action gets in trouble....A LOT lol. He's a bad boy with a don't give a f*** attitude. But he is somewhat of a caring guy. MMM, his life is hard, he fell in love with his best friends girlfriend and he found out and dun dun dun...bad things happened lol. Umm at the end Spike does die and he kills Vicious (ex best friend). Through out the series he's just a bounty hunter (someone who hunts criminals for money).

Faye- Faye is also a bounty hunter. When she was she got in an accident and her body was frozen and preserved. She was unfrozen about 50 years later and her body is exactly the same. When she woke up she forgot everything about herself. She's greedy and she loves money, gambling, and eating lol. Through out the series she just hangs out with Spike & Jet inviting herself to live with them and helps them catch bounties...for money of course lol.

I honestly saw a lot of potential of Spike and Faye hooking up. They fought, teased and annoyed the hell out of each other. Isn't that what love is all about? Lol. Ok so probably not. The reason I honestly believe these two didn't get together was because of Spike's past. Faye showed she had feelings for the green-haired lunkhead in the last episode. So the only thing that stopped them was Spike wanting to see if he was really "alive". They would have been super adorable and I see sexual tension heheh ~_^ but anyhoo, now for some cute hints or just funny moments with these two ^_^

AWWWWWW that was such a totally sad ep. Spike dies and Faye cries and it's all very sad. I think they could have gotten together I he had lived...I truly believe that and I will keeping thinking so HA! Faye & Spike 4EVER!!!

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Amon & Robin

Okay so there's a Ten year age difference...but does it matter? LOOK HOW CUTE THEY LOOK! How can you say NO to CUTENESS like THAT?

Amon - Is the tall, dark, mysterious kinda hunk all the gurls want lol. Well they would, if he wasn't soo cold lol .His job at the STN-J is very important to him. He's like the leader and i think everyone pretty much looks up to him. He has a brother (Nagira) and he has witch blood which he got from his mother. At first he really seems to hate witches but Robin changes his view on them a bit. He is pretty cold but not as mush as you may think considering that his emotions stop him from doing his job in the end.

Robin - Is a 15 years old but she's actually very mature for her age. She's very serious and can seem pretty innocent and naive. She's very powerful and is known to be the Eve of Witches. She's a replacement from Soloman but she was their to find the secret of the craft. When her powers go way out of control she is considered a witch and hunters begin to go after her. She's a very caring girl.

I don't think the thought of these two getting together was crazy at all. They kept looking at each other and so on lol. Ok so the age difference is big (Amon is 25, Robin is 15) but I honestly doubt that would have gotten in the way of the relationship. The work wonderfully as a team, so obviously they did spend a lot of time together, anyway here a couple of hints that I saw or things I just happen to think are cute ~_^.


And that all...I love this two, they were just great and the probably did get together, after all isn't Amon, Robins watch Dog ~_^

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Sakaki & Doujima

These two would just be great with each other. They were pretty friendly witch each other and flirted quiet a bit, plus don't they just look perfect together?

Sakaki- He's a what i think so heheh. Anyway he gets himself in trouble a lot lol. He's very reckless and he talks back to the adults a lot lol. He's yur typical bad boy. But he has great determination is a great help to the team even though sometimes it may not seem like it.

Doujima- She seems like the ditz of the team, always coming in late and slacking off on work because she looks through fashion magazines. But there's really a lot more to Yurika, after all you can't judge a book by it's cover right? Anyway in the end she shows how helpful she is when she's discovered to be a spy for Soloman, she was sent to find out what the Orbo was made of. She's very friendly.

I thought these two could have gotten together. They flirted around a lot and they both seemed to know each other pretty well and are very friendly with each other. Plus they look sooo adorable together hehhe. Now for some hints and moments ~_^

I liked watching the interaction between these two, I thought it was sweet and the beginning of something that might have lasted ~_^

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Mugen & Fuu

As soon I saw Mugen and Fuu I was 'They'd be cute', and now after the whole anime s I can say I agree with myself even more ^^.

Mugen- Is a bad ass guy lol. He's very confidant and he doesn't hold back while fighting. He likes getting into fights, he likes eating, and he likes woman. He's traveling with Fuu because she saved his life. He doesn't get along with Jin (the other samurai that's traveling with Fuu cause she saved his life too), and they want to fight with each other but Fuu forbids them from it.

Fuu- She seems like a sweet little girl who can't seem to take care of herself, but she's actually a bit sneaky. A small squrriel looking creature travels with her in her sleeves and helps her out of trouble at times. She's traveling with Mugen & Jin because she saved their lives as she was working as a waitress and as payment she's making then come along to look for a Samurai that smells of sunflowers (many people think she was doing it cause she loves him, which is true but it's cause it's her FATHER).

I Know for sure Fuu & Mugen don't get together and that suxs but before they parted ways after finally finding the Sunflower Samurai they said they should meet again, and that leaves me hope heheh. These two would be cute and they already act like a married couple fighting most of the time. Anyhoo hear are hints Ive seen from the few eps I've seen...

Yay, see, cute married couple with problems no? Anyhoo I love the idea of Mugen and Fuu! They are just way to cute ^^ Mugen/Fuu 4ever ~_^

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Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, and Samaurai Champloo all belong to Cowboy Bebop belongs to Sunrise, Bones, and Bandai Visual. They don't belong to me and I am in no way making profit off this site.