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December 3rd: I've Visualy molested a coffie machine, what next?

I was looking at the Karmaburn site and saw there's a new post, seeing that innocent looking coffie machine i just could resist rapping it using photoshop. I mean I've been looking for a an exuse to start a gallery section on the site and i'm pretty proud of the results.

Name: Coffie Machine on Crack
Type: Other
Faults: I put "Toster" instead of "Coffie Machine", oh well i'm too lasy to try and fix it.
I also finaly got around to watching the second Ep of Chobbits and am at the verry end of Metal Gear Solid 3

FLCL's done

FLCL is done, I'm going to do Love Hina next. I wanted to see Love Hina again(It's a three part mini-series thats the real end to the show) but I can't find episode one. I'll probibly get to buying it eventualy but there's a bunch of games I wanted to get first. Speaking of games I got GTA: SA last week. You alwas hear fans say stuff like "It's the best GTA ever" well it is. I'm getting Full Metal Alchemist now. It's on AS right now but I figure i'd re-watch the first part of the series and maby get a jump on the ones AS didn't dir yet. I'm watching Chronicles of Riddick, it seems pretty good so far. I was working on a mini-site I have on my freind's site but MSN is being a bitch.


I'm done the FLCL Episode Guide :). I'm working on an episode guide after this. I'm pissed off because I can't get Love Hina Again Episode 1! It was going to be my next project on the site. I acualy was able to download two titles called "Love Hina Again Episode 1" but one was from .Hack//Sign and the other was lesbien porn...hAhAhA i'm not joking, it was realy crappy. I started listening to older music, Jimmi Hendrix and posibly U2.


I desided to get rid of the Evangelion section do to lack of information. I'm going to try a FLCL section next. Hopefuly it won't suffer the same fate.I think I can do a FLCL Section but I'm going to do it with spoilers because Gainix's page does a pretty good job of an unspoiled version.

Communist Report

Yesterday(November 3rd) I got into a fight, after prodicting the fight would happen and her not beleiving me, so being the Jackass my mom is, I'm kicked off the interenet....but then again you should start fights with your kidds because they want to support themselves with a job. Anyway enouf with my problems and onto the site, I'm only allowed to use the computer for schoolwork and this Kid from my school asked me to do a report on "Chapter 30: The Rise of Totalitarian States" in our World History Book. Seeing as I have nothing better to do right now I did. Damnit, by doing the report I saved someone's soul from enternal damnation under Shane. I have to go un-cure small pox or something now.


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