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What is your stand on.....

Created by spyndakitrose and taken 14201 times on bzoink!

Abortion?For it, depending on the circumstances
Death Penalty?Fry Bastard
Prostitution?Hey, losers have to get some too
Alcohol?Give me some
Marijuana?Only for medicinal purposes
Other drugs?dont agree
Gay marriage?Just dont hit on me
Illegal immigrants?HELL NO, theres enough of them in Texas already
Smoking?Just dont do it around me
Drunk driving?I will sue your ass off if you hit me
Cloning?Now where did I put that spare heart?
Racism?If you're racist around me, I WILL KICK YOUR ASS!!
Premarital sex?Im a guy, what can I say
Religion?Heaven.. Hell.. They are just illusions compared to where Ive been
The war in Iraq?End it soon
Bush?and i quoteth "Strategery"
Downloading music?I have Kazaa, it has supplied me with gigs of MP3s
The legal drinking age?If we can die for our country, we should be able to drink
Porn?Nothing will beat the real thing
Suicide?Do not agree at all, mainly because of some past aquaintances

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