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Survivor: All Stars 2
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Episode 1
Topic: Episodes
Episode 1-

The Division
"Survivor: All-Stars has now officially started!" shouted Jeff Probst. "One by one I will call your name and go to your tribe color. You are Wamika if your pink, and Togokati if your blue. On Wamika: Colleen, Elisabeth, Kim, Gina, Jan, Christy, and Darrah. On Togokati: Gervase, Rodger, Brandon, Hunter, Jake, Butch, and Andrew. As you can see the tribes are divided into genders. Good luck as a tribe of men, or woman. I will see you tomorrow for the immunity challange". The survivor's walked to there tribes which were in walking distance.

Back at Wakima (women)
"How awsome is this ladies!" yelled Jan as the girls arrived at camp. "I know, this is umbelievable, lets whip the mens asses!" replied Kim. Immediatly Jan and Kim began yelling orders for camp set up. First the shelter. Everyone but Darrah, and Colleen were helping. The rest of the girl ignored there work habits. Then it was to the fire, where Jan's glasses where used and Kim got the fire up anf roaring. Gina and Colleen applauded the girl efforts. It was time to sleep at Wakima.

Back at Togokati (men)
"Well lets get to work guys" demanded Butch nicely after a short while from arriving at camp. The shelter was finished in a snap, but was not given any help by Gervase, and Brandon. Jake was the one to speak up and yelled "You two, come and help with the fire". Neither responded, and Jake was left to do it alone, and did it in a giffy. It was time to go to bed at Togokati.

Immunity Challange
The tribes walked over to Jeff at the challange. The challange was for one survivor from each tribe to swim over to a raft, then paddle with the raft back to shore. Then the next person would dive in, get an item from the bottom of the ocean and retrieve an item with there tribes color on it. The first tribe to get all items back to the rafts starting place and all members reach there and light the torch, win immunity. "Survivors ready... GO!" shouted Jeff. The race was on. Andrew and Kim were the two castaways to go and get the raft over to shore. Andrew made it first, but Kim was right on his tail. Andrew paddles the fastest and beat Kim by about 5 seconds. Gervase dived into the water first, followed shortly by Elisabeth. Gervase found his item fast, and Elisabeth was having trouble. Jake jumped in next, and found it fast also. Elisabeth was still having trouble. Brandon jumped in next and had some major trouble. Elisabeth found her item. In jumped Gina, who found hers immediatly. Then went in Darrah, who was searching. Brandon and Darrah both popped up with there items. It was a race to shore. Brandon won by about 3 seconds. It was now a tribal paddle to the rafts starting point. The girls worked well with orders by Jan, and the men had some trouble with Jake in order position. It was close, but the men ended up prevailing.

Tribal Council
The girls went back in a sad mood. Right away plotting went on. Christy then announces to the tribe she is deaf, changing no bodies opinion on her. Jan, Kim, Christy, and Gina immediatly clicked for an alliance. Colleen, Darrah, and Elisabeth also clicked. Oddly, Christy was unsure of her true alliance and was also with Colleen, Darrah, and Elisabeth. Off the girls went to tribal council. Christy said she was the sway vote and has no idea who shes voting for. Jan says she is voting for the person who's laziest around camp. Colleen said shes voting for the most bossiest around camp. The votes read like this:


Voted out of survivor is....


Colleen walks off, gets her torch estinguished, and says "Watch out for the deaf one, she can hear beter than you think".

Next time on Survivor: All-Stars 2...

-Christy is upset about Colleen's comment.

-Jan feels that Christy is like her daughter.

-Kim is jelous of Christy's attention.

-The men can't handle that Brandon is gay.

-The second person is voted out of Survivor: All-Stars 2.

Posted by Blake anime6/bb_zz at 5:21 PM PDT
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Voting History: Episode 1
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Posted by Blake anime6/bb_zz at 2:43 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, October 17, 2004 5:27 PM PDT
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Updated: Sunday, October 17, 2004 5:34 PM PDT
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Posted by Blake anime6/bb_zz at 2:13 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, October 17, 2004 5:55 PM PDT
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All-Star 2 Cast
Topic: All-Star Survivors

Posted by Blake anime6/bb_zz at 1:40 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, October 17, 2004 5:53 PM PDT
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