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6/1/05 Wheee! I have finally started making changes on the website! I'll be putting up backgrounds and music for now, and later I will be adding more pages. I was thinking about making this website a place where I just talk about Manga, and Anime, like give reviews. Please E-mail me and give suggestions! Thank you!

6/16/05 Ok, so I'm working on adding more pages, I'm having a little trouble with HTML but I'll fix it soon. I was thinking about making anime backgrounds and things like that so other people can use them on their websites. I'll have to get to work designing them though.

6/18/05 I added counters to the is in chinese They didn't have Japanese...but hey China is cool too. I also added some music. Its taking a bit to get this site done due to all that HTML, I made another page, but I don't know how to get it so you can click on it....but it seems that my sister knows how so I'lll have her help me.

Have a nice day and come again. Remember... COOL LINKS! Free Counters
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