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Welcome to Animedia!

Hey guys...I know that this site is pretty much dead. I have not updated in a millinia. But its not my fault. I dont have internet access anymore. So i am screwed up the @$$. IF anyone knows HTML and would like to take care of my site while I am without internet, i would forever be in your debt. I am gonna keep my dream alive of making this the #1 Anime Media site ever! But I need help. any help will be appreacited. And all who help me will be regonized and compinsated for their work. Anyway, I am using the library's computer right now. I will try to check daily if I can. Well see ya. And thanks for all the great compliments. I hope you all enjoy and help me out! laterz.

Here is the Media collected so far:

Anime Music

Anime Pics

Anime Quotes

Fan Art


Al-Bhed Translator

Chat Room

Proud member of: Catgirl Obsession // Felicia

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Check out these awsome sites!

some great sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Anipike - Anime web turnpike! For all your anime needs!
WinMX - The ultimate in file sharing 100% Free!
Anime Castle - Great place for cheap anime
The Anime Palace -Great anime merchindice at great low prices!
Newgrounds - The best Flash movies and games around! Newgrounds! The problems of tommarow, today!
Pyro Jason - A friend of mine's site. Its in progress. Will make you your very own custom website for a good price!
Blue Laguna - The ultimate source for Final Fantasy Media! - Need to download something? Find it here!
