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Welcome! You have entered Anime Earth of Stars of Anime. Take a look around. But be warned the earth may just split a part. Throwing you into the deeps of hell. Mahahahaha!!!*cough* Sorry. That was me being dramatic. Anyway I'm midnightangel013 or Shea to some and I'm the leader of Anime Earth. I'm still trying to figure out this whole webbie thing so...umm...If you try to get here and you don't or you get a 404. I did that. I switch web hotes so give me a while to get use to this one.-

~*~midnight's fave place~*~


A great place to find anime pics and a lot of them. We-love-Anime is 5 star site

||Tine neo Help||

Tine neo Help great site for Neopets info games cheats and things like that. Tine neo Help 4 1/2 star site.

NOTE:all sites are reviewed on a 5 stars bases. Neomail me if you have a site you would like me to review.Click here