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The Gallery of Eternal Doom/dilema

Well this mine and some other peoples art work all kindly donated or with their permission. I only started drawing because I was bored of reading while I was smoking so I started drawing so dont be mean about my art I know its not the greatest I know 5 great artists JAY!!!! love you hunny Darren "Plastic hammer" Driver Sacha the crazy communist russian of BORANGE Maddie and Kat aka Amanda Some of you may notice a change to the website some images have been taken off well i dont like to lie to people who read my site UNLIKE KIRBY but im not best pleased with someone who had there work on my site soooooo it got removed

This is a picture I drew when I was .... I dont know I just drew it some of the text is unclear it is my personal Hell! and if you know me you know what the sign on the wall means"

I don't know what possessed me to draw this maybe it was cuz I was smoking cherry tabaco at the time and listening to down with the sickness the "demon" kinda looks like those evil things from Dreamstone dont they?

This picture i drew when I was pretty depressed with my life I just wanted to leave everything all behind and start a new .... pretty depressing but you all deserve to know where they came from

this is the Mingwad aka $*** Face K**bert Frogert GERM you may recognise him yes it is a him or so im told anyway you may recognise it from the kill kirby cartoons (soon to come)

and this is Saban (Sha-ban)aka Jimmy hes a lovly guy really hes like a bro to me hes only 2 days older than me DAMN YOU!!!!! I will get those 2 days back! BTW Shabz if you watching ORANGE!.... FRENCH PEOPLE and and and *cute voice* apple and dont worry jay will be on here soon enuff

this is my favourite teeshirt my mate since ive know since atleast I was 5 drew it for me I wish I could say it was my art anyway her name is Jay and she is practically a sister to me and shes great LOVE YOU SWEETHEART!!!! PVC trouser purrrrrrr!

This is the back design of that great teeshirt jay drew there are flames around the cuffs too I couldnt be asked to photo them. If your wondering about the theme on the shirt its a character from Bloody Roar 3 called Xion and HES MY CHARACTER AND HE HAS THE WORLDS MOST ANNOYING MOVE doesnt he Jay and Shabz ;)

This Is Darren of Driver's Creation Plastic Hammer all the characters I have compliled in to this one picture well you can see it is a laugh so check it out on Darren has lots of another animations with CHaracters such as HAMTARO and the eskimos etc etc

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he means here DUH!

This is mine and my mates artwork you click on the images you like to make them bigger if you want your art displayted here hint hint at the ArtistsI mentioned earlier but I ONLY HAVE 20 MBs of space! anyway send me a mail if you want your Art displayed here my email is down below!
