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Anime Tv

This Week on anime tv
Hiei and bakura aka:mahdy teamed up in an all going battle vs seto kendarra, with hiei alsome stpower and skill he demonished seto with ease, with faily lil help from mahdy droping seto to 0% hlth, at the end of the fight both fighters used soul absorber to absorb 25% of setos se, plus mahdy loseing 50% of his power permenantly, he destroyed setos body and gained dds,(demon destination sword),5henchmen and dignity of rights that he killed seto kendarra.

Reporter: thats all for this week anime tv see you later folks

last time
Reporter this week on anime tv..

Seto kendarra and hiei met for the first time but it wasn't a happy meeting.seto and hiei went off into an all starring battle that lasted for a while,hiei at first seemed to have the upper hand until seto kendarra showed him his true stregth, the 2 were almost equally matched,threw out the battle it seemed either was gonna win,seto's henchmen saved seto a few times from the jagen eye affect by the smart hiei.overall was a great fight but ended scarey, seto unlesshed an all going blast assult on hiei koeing him to 0%hetlth and taking the victory.seto and his crew of 5 henchmen took off and said they would return.........

Reporter: what will happen when he returns, will he be even morevil than before, maybe morepowerful, find out next time on anime tv.

Time Ago---

Repoter:Here we are in saffron City and.....


Reporter:What the..

::A bulding is destroyed as a dark figure floats upon the surface::

Reporter:0.0!!! uh.. uh..

Dark Figure:flys down to the camera crew and the reporter, hmmm hello human my name is seto kendarra.... im here to take over ::looks into the camera:: and i dare any warrior try and stop me:

Reporter:Wait why are you here why are you doing th..

Seto: ::Hits the repoter in the face hard knocking him out::To take over fool..... muhahahaha!!!! that right take over....anyone want some.come get some ::flys off in a burst of light::

Reporter: ::wakes up:: Oh no!! ...what is this strange guy gonna do to us all who will save us who is brave enough to defeat him...find out next time...........