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Forlorn Hope-Ables you to make a wish ,but also sacrifices your life to do so Cost:5000$

Spirit Comunicator-Allows you to communictate with others form far away places Cost:2000$

Energy Healer-Restores all of your enernstantly Cost:6,000$

Life Healer-Restore your full health Cost:5,500$

Egg Beast-takes 3week before hatching point,after this beats hatches it wil lfight with you (beasts stats start at 1000)you name it and train it. Cost:3,500$

Hearb beans- Restores half your energy Costs:500$ per herb

Demon Detecter watch-Shows you were a demon is an how strong they are:3,000$

Banddanna-Covers up the jagan eye,boosts SE by 3% Cost:500$

Leather jacket-Rises Spirit energy by 33% (more affective if worn in battles) Cost:25,000$

Cloak-Boosts up stats by 10% Cost:1,500$

Punching bag-adds 5% to trainings Cost: `1000$

Weights:Boosts up stats by 15% Cost:5,500

Goggles-Boosts up Spirit energy 90% Cost:100,000$

Wooden Sword-ecelent for tranings boost up power and speed by 17% Cost:15,000

Spirit Ring- Makes You sprit energy type attack 35% more affective Cost:30,000$

Muscle inhancers-Pumps you up boost up Ur power by 40% in battle lasts the remainder of the fight.20,000$

Shackles-Boosts up stats 10% each Cost:2,500$

Chamber-A good training device, boosts up stats x20% (lasts 20 days)15,000$

Dragon Necklace-Boosts up stats x2 for 10turns in battle Cost:5000$

Soul Absorber:Ables you to asord the 25%S.E of defeated fighters after the fight Cost:10,000$

Power Ring-Doubles your powerfor 15turns Cost:5,000$

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YuYu Hakusho Anime RpG
