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Yu Yu Hakusho


11/9/03: Dought anyone is still here, I've been doing a poor job keeping up. Well....for anyone who is still here....I'll be making sure to do a better job. We are still in DT, Kuwabara...they are almost in the finals...after that they will be back to where you can help them. Granto

9/10/03: Hey guys, sorry haven't been posting or anything been busy. I'll be doing the DT this satuday . Also everyone please remember tomorrow, it is 9/11 and I think that we should all have a moment of silence and remember those who died.

8/22/03: Well I haven't posted here in a long time. We got done with a saga ( can't remember which one) and now we are heading into the Dark Tournament which will be a week from today. Train hard and get ready.

7/21/03: Alright, well the Saint Beast saga will be Friday....Hiei and Kyoto's curse was taken off of them and placed on Granto and Kurama's mother. Well, keep training and I will start working on other things.

7/16/03: Alright, well those who are still here thanks for sticking with me. Its really enjoyable to be in a RPG with such great RPers. Anyways, Kurama is almost done with his saga and then we will start the real part of the saga that I've started yesterday. Kyoto and Hiei....sorry.....but until someone finds a way to reverse the process, you are both still 8 and 9 years old. Again thanks for sticking with me, and see if you can't get some people to join. GRANTO

7/11/03: Hi, its me.....I decided to add a new trainer.....Tugoro. Those who decide to trian with Tugoro can not learn techniques from Genkai, and vice verse. Also, those on oppositie sides might be told to kill another person on the other side.

7/5/03: hey, kuwabara here, id figure i would throw in my 2 cents and say i will add in anyones stat points from the yukina saga thingy

7/3/03: hey guys, things might be moving slower now a days until further notice because my grandfather was just put into the hospital. So, please bear with me.....thanks. Granto

6/23/03: Hey all, its Granto the owner of this RPG. Some of yawl have not been active, and I will take you down. But most of that is my fault, I have not pupicly saying when stuff will be happening. Right now we are in the Genkai tournament, and after that the 4 Saint Beasts will come. I'll post when it will be, but I've been having such a huge schedule I don't know when it will happen.

6/15/03: Yo everyone, this is the almighty kuwabara and i just added a new member ^_^ so yay for us, now get back to ork slackerz! :P

6/9/03: We've got some more people up and I can annoyced that the "Shadow Saga" is complete, though it will carry over into the Genkai Tournament and maybe into other sagas. Also, the Genkai Tournament will be held in three weeks, (give or take a few days). It is up to you to train yourself with Genkai or spar each other.

6/7/03: Well I didn't get put on restriction, just got a long talking too ( I made 3As, 2Bs and 2Cs). Well we will be starting the next saga either tonight or sometime this week, all depends on when I have time and other things. Well keep training and if you have any questions, ask me.

6/4/03: Well, we did our first Saga and Hiei got the shadow sword. IN a RP (and yes RPs do effect game play) Kurama got turned into a Viper by the shadow sword. Also, I will be getting my report card some time soon. So if I'm not on its because I've been put on restritction. Hopefully it will only be for one week or less. Thanks for sticking and start training

05/28/03: Ok some news. I got the final item up and I'll be starting the first saga soon. However, I might be getting my report card next week and I might be put on restriction for at least 3 days. So please don't leave, I'll be back as soon as I can.

05/26/03: I'M OUT OF SCHOOL YAY! Well since I'm out of school I will be starting the first saga of this RPG. I'll be posting more information about it and will do the story line when we start it. Thanks for the patience and those who I haven't put up yet, give me time. Thanks.

05/23/03: Hi all, we just got our 10th memember up and I will start the saga soon. Sorry things have been slow, but I have had Final Exams Thursday and Today and will have them on mondey. After Monday I will be on summer vacation and will hopefully be getting things moving. Thanks for your cooperation, and start sparing....Hiei and Kurama are getting stronger every day.

04/16/03: Ok, now I think everything is up so yawl can stats sparring. If I see some of yawl on, once I get my stats up, I'll show yawl how to spar and then start sparing!.

04/15/03: Well, I have gotten Four Join forms (not including mine) and I'll be expecting someothers. I've added some other areas and some other stuff to the already up pages. When we get some more players I will start posting Jobs and start the first "saga".

04/14/03: Well ladies and gentalmen, its not much right now I'm still working on the look and such....but the RPG is now open. Please go to the Join form and send in your join forms. Also anyone with skills in HTML (I have some, but I need a real wiz in it) please give me an IM at Ti2sun and help me with some HTML coding on this

04/07/03: Well I'm still working on the RPG, so please bare with me