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Basis of the Game

Basis of the game

Basic Idea

The idea of Yugi-Oh is to win games, get cards, and to get all The Millenium Items. By getting certain Millenium Items you get Certain abilities. For example by getting theMillenium Puzzle you are not effected by the millenium eye outside of the shadow realm. For anyone that knows them the rules are Kaiba Tournament rules.

Winning the duel

To win a game you must reduce your opponents life points from 4000 to 0. Each player must shuffle his deck before Every duel. At the start you draw 5 Cards. Every turn you Draw another card, you may only have upto six cards in your hand otherwise you must discard until you do during the end phase of your turn. You may play 1 normal or set summon a turn. You may have upto five magic or trap cards on the field at any one time. The same goes for monsters.