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About this Layout

This is my new site, tada! A kick in the head to wake up so maybe, just MAYBE I'll learn to be a little more responsible and take care of my websites... doubt it, though. Well, this is a lovely new layout from those ever-so-wonderful people at Day Dream Graphics. The image used above was taken from AT Pictures. Treat it well, and please be kind to a returning pagebuilder. I'm a little rusty on HTML, so I'll do my best and refer to the notes I took. Ya'll stick around now.

The Past...

I've made several sites before, sure. But they were all crap. Need to face the barrel someday. Might as well be now. My LAST layout was VERY beautiful, thanks to an internet buddy o' mine (Thanks, Lady Rei! The site was wonderful while it lasted!). But I just couldn't keep myself around it long enough to do anything effective, like decent updates. Not to mention my tastes changed from shoujo to shoujo n' shounen. Now my sites are purely anonymous; just a collage of everything I like and hopefully all you people will enjoy. I mean, c'mon! There's gotta be SOMETHING on this site that you like, right? RIGHT??

What's in it for you?

Just about everything that makes up my imagination (except for the sketchy stuff *cough cough*): My thoughts, my likes, my dislikes, my theories, and all the other crap no one really cares about but you'll probably look at anyway. Keep in mind: I'm a P S Y C H O. All events mentioned on this site should NOT be attempted at home, but rather in an open field where no one can hear you scream. Mwaha.

Best viewed in IE5 or higher with 800x600 resolution. For more page designs go to Hotaru or to Day Dream Graphics.