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yami yugi shrine
Friday, 22 August 2003
with my dad
sorry i couldn't keep up on my blog entry

in the chat line yamibakura tried to sacrifce me -_- for unknown reasons

then he tried to kill me that man needs a life
and so do i


The strangest thing is i turned ss16 ^_^ i was so happy that i wanted to test my new strength

No one can beat me i am the strongest female saiyan alive mwahahahahhahahahaha --; sorry about that

lol XD i'm hyper!

Posted by anime5/yami1 at 9:38 AM
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Wednesday, 16 July 2003
july 16

I wish Iris would get online today cause I'm very bored.

oh guess what instead of me going to the fair right
my dad is picking me up but it's still no fair.

But I can probaly go and see the fire works like they have every year maybe my mom will let me go see them by my self maybe i don't know yet still thinking about it.

I miss my dad I could talk about him for hours on end
just kidding lol.

I need help on creating a story for fanfiction .net

I wanna write something from transformers armada but having trouble with it.

Today also my cousins came over really nerve recking too.

I'm so lonely oh well at least i won't be considering the fact that my dad is taking me all sorts of places like the mall, the zoo I like tigers,
playdium,hmv, all over like a little tour guide but i am also going to buy my school supplies down there as well as a new back pack and since i'm only going to school for one month then in october i'll be living with my dad.

Oh shit i forgot to make an appoinment with the counsler at the mental center shit!.

Oh I don't think i need him maybe i should make an appoinment with him yes I'll make an appointment tommorow or when ever i feel like it.

Your're probaly wondering why I go and see a shrink well it's helping me let out my anger and stuff like that.

well that's all for now signing off!


Posted by anime5/yami1 at 8:40 PM
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July 16 ^___^

My dad and that lady Beth got into a fight and i was happy.

I don't know why maybe it's the surgar lol! This is my first time for a Blog and i uddated last night so i'm fine.

I usally don't wake up until like 1 30 that was strange.

My mom is buying me batteries and junk but i am very happy that i can have junk food.

here are some quotes from shows i like to put in.

television has raised us more that you dad
Bart simpson

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm freedom
Homer Simpson

Use the heart of the cards
Yami yugi

well that's all for the quotes here's a poem i wrote

in the darkest hours
your friends will be by your side
no matter how tough the situation is

Even if you are losing
we'll stand by your side

by Shrine

Posted by anime5/yami1 at 8:03 AM
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Tuesday, 15 July 2003
july 15

Feeling depressed and tired and starving no food in the house.

Some people say I am like a garbage can others say I'm like Joey off of yu-gi-oh.

I don't really care that's my favourite show! ^_^

Can't wait to go and see my dad it was last week since i saw him he's picking me up on july 30 so i don't think i'll be able to put up an entry cause i'll be gone for a month to Vancouver.

Sigh my cat ran into the wall again! this is the second time now.

Marik: you bored

Me: yep

Marik: me too whatcha doing

Me: does it concern you

Marik: yes

Me: well it's an online Journal and i don't think i have to pay for it

Marik: yes you do

Me: no i don't and no you can not read it

Marik: rats

Me: ^_^

see I'll do that every so often okay bye bye^_^

Posted by anime5/yami1 at 7:52 PM
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